Part 6

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"What do you want, Mr. Lightwood?" Magnus tried his best to hide the disappointment and anger in his voice, but of course, his voice came out way colder than he intended to. Magnus looked at Alec, who seemed lost. Alec had his hands behind his back, he had his walls up as always, but one thing was different than normal, his eyes were on Magnus. Normally, Alec tried his best to not look at him, so it was weird yet slightly thrilling to have Alecs' undivided attention on him.

"I um... wanted to pay you for your service yesterday." Alec's voice came out small, very different from what Magnus was used to.

"Oh. Well, I didn't get a chance to send over a receipt over. Why don't we circle back to the topic once you see the bill?" Magnus didn't know what Alec was trying. Alec had never come to his apartment by himself, and he definitely not have contacted him out of business hours. It always has been someone else who sent the payments over, so instead, Magnus observed Alec's body language.

Alec shifted his body weight from one leg to the other. "I also wanted to thank you for your help yesterday." He finally said.

Magnus took a sip from his wine glass. He didn't bother offering to Alec because, from experience, he knew Alec would turn down anything Magnus offered.

"There is no need to feel thankful, I will add that into the bill as well." Magnus lied. He was not going to charge Alec for that. No matter how much it pained him to hear Alec's true feelings from Catarina, Magnus still liked this man, way more than he should. Maybe the feelings had started to fade away due to constant rejection he received over a decade time period but he still likes Alexander Lightwood more than anyone else in his 400 years of history. Yes, his Alpha also likes Alec than anyone else in the world, but still, without that pull, Magnus knew he would always, ALWAYS be there for Alec when needed. Whether he was mated to someone else or not. The thought of Alec being mated to someone else painted the very painful image in his head, but over the years, he got used to the image. The more rejection he got from Alec clearer it was that Alec would never be his.

There were times when Magnus actually sat down and thought why exactly he got rejected by Alec so strongly. Because he is a downworlder? a lothario as Shadowhunters like to say? was it because of his father? was it because of his loud fashion choices? was it his bisexuality,?or was it simply because he was not worth it in Alec's eyes? Getting rejected because of those reasons, of course, would hurt him, but not being worth in Alec's eyes was a bit too much for Magnus and his alphas' heart.

"Okay." Alec replied after a long pause. Magnus observed Alec, who was still standing in his living room. Any other time he would have to try and drag the conversation so he could be around Alec a little bit more but with everything that has been happening in past few days made it clear that he just didn't want to put on anymore efforts. Not when to Alec Lightwood, was willingly crush his soul so he could mate with anyone other than Magnus.

"If that is it, Mr. Lightwood, why don't we end this delightful conversation for tonight? My time is precious, and I don't see any need to continue this conversation. Also, as you can see, I was about to enjoy my meal before you showed up unannounced. I would not be surprised to see that from other Shadowhunters, but I thought you had more decency than typical Shadowhunters, but I guess I am a bad judge of characters."

Alec bit his lip but still started at Magnus as he tried to complement a sentence in his head.

"Mr. Lightwood?" Magnus raised one of his eyebrows artistically when Alec didn't reply for a good few seconds.

"It's Alexander." Alec was quick to reply.


"You always called me Alec or Alexander. Why are you suddenly calling me Lightwood?"

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