Part 5

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Magnus was not sure how the hell did he actually managed to get Alec from the institute to his flat and he definitely was not sure as to why the hell Alec was clinging into him like his life depends on it. Every time the Alec's grip around his arm loosened, Alec growled. Alec Lightwood actually growled, and Magus was quick to make sure that the grip was not lose, no matter what he did. He also knew Alec's tight grip around his arm was going to leave bruise marks, but he couldn't care less. All he wanted was Alec to be okay, as quickly as possible.

He did not have time to think as to why his alpha was trying to sooth and protect the other alpha who was in distress. Just since when did an alpha want to look after another alpha? Weren't those are the feelings an alpha would feel towards the omega or the beta they were courting? But Magnus knew one thing. When it came to Alexander Lightwood, nothing made sense. Not the incredible attraction he felt, not how protective his alpha got over Alec or how his chest pained whenever he watched Alec walking away with yet another omega or beta Shadowhunter

As soon as Magnus managed to get Alec into one of the couches in his living room, he sent out a fire message to Catarina. If he had the choice, he would not have asked an omega to come over while there was a distressed alpha, but this was Catarina. She would kick Alec's and his ass if alphas made her uncomfortable in the slightest. Still, he made sure to mention the alpha situation as briefly as possible so she could decide for herself whether she wanted to be there or not. Been the nurse she is, Magnus knew she would be there as soon as possible.

"Wow, well, that stinks." Cat covered her nose with her handkerchief as soon as she reached Magnus's loft.

"What is going on?" Cat looked at Magnus, who was sitting on the sofa with Alec's head resting on his lap. Alec had his eyes tightly closed, but it was clear that he was not sleeping because of his growls and deep breaths. Thankfully, Alec did not react strongly to Catarinas' arrival.

"Something is wrong with Alec's alpha. Nothing is wrong with his body, but his alpha is acting up, and it has been half an hour since he lost control completely. Also, what are you doing here?" Magnus asked Ragnor, who was standing behind Catarina.

"Aren't you a delight." Ragnor shrugged, but he didn't seem upset.

"Sorry, it has been an extremely stressful day." Magnus sighed.

"Don't worry about that. When I saw the fire message, I thought I would come along in case you need any extra pair of hands."

"Thank you, my green cabbage." Magnus smiled at his friends.

"Well, at least he is not in his rut." Catarina opened all the windows in the loft with a flick of fingers.

"Let's get this scent out. I can't breathe, and chocking on Alpha stink is not the way I want to die. I lived far too long to die that ridiculously." Catarina said as she scrunched her nose and moved her hand near her nose. Ragnor and Magnus shared a smirk as Catarina tried to get rid of the pheromones in the air. As Ragnor is a beta, he didn't react much to the scent, and Magnus loved Alec's scent. If possible, he would have bottled it up, but for a mated omega, another unmated alpha scent can be disgusting.

"Now that is gone, walk me through what happened. I assume you were with his before this whole thing went downhill." Catarina sat a bit further away the two alphas.

"Yes, I was at the institute to open some portals, and nothing seemed out of place. He even welcomed me when I got there, and of course, he was his normal charming self throughout the whole time."

"Yeah, right." Ragnor scoffed in the background as he was checking Magnuss portion bottles. Magnus gave him a quick glare and turned back to Catarina.

"Once I was done, I said my goodbyes, and I was about to leave when I heard him falling down."

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