Part 4

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'Mate' Alec kept on thinking again and again and again. Clary's statement about Magnus's scent sent Alec down a spiral, and he seemed to be falling deeper and deeper down the spiral with every single second. He was hardly containing himself without lashing out anyone or questioning Magnus about his newfound mate. 

'Magnus's mate? How is that possible?' He thought to himself as he looked at Magnus, who was almost done with the work. 

'Then again, how is it not possible? Magnus is a 400-year-old alpha who is yet to find his mate. Maybe, as Clary mentioned, Magnus has finally found his mate.' Still, Magnus's confusion when Clary mentioned the mate gave Alec a tiny bit of hope. Alec knew he had been extremely selfish. He did not want Magnus to himself because of the social pressure, but also, he did not want anyone else to go anywhere near Magnus. Only Alec knew how much he had to control himself, so he wouldn't growl whenever someone hugged Magnus. Even if the hugger is one of his own family members. 

Magnus's deep sigh brought Alec back to reality, and he felt embarrassed immediately when he realised he had been staring at Magnus this whole time. Fortunately, it looked like Magnus did not realise that. As much as he wanted to look away from Magnus, the alpha looked magnificent when he was using magic. He looked proud, beautiful, and in his element whenever he was using magic, and Alec loved the sight of it, even if he would never admit it to anyone. Yet today, Magnus looked exhausted. It was clear Magnus tried his best to hide it, but Alec knew Magnus. Alec observed Magnus closely for ten years, and he has never looked that exhausted. 

Magnus's eyes did not have the normal spark it had, his forehead was covered in a light coat of sweat, and he did not have the normal flourish he had when he used magic. Magnus's body language screamed that he wanted to get out of there or away from Alec as soon as possible. Normally, Magnus would try to start a conversation with Alec, and when he does not get any response back, he would talk to himself. Alec always acted like it was a nuisance, but Magnus's thoughtless rambles always brought a smile to his face. He would talk about his adventures across the world, or how he rescued another cat (If Alec was right, Magnus rescued close to 200 cats over 10 years.) or what he got planned for the weekend and so on. Alec liked how Magnus was comfortable enough to ramble around him, and there were so many times he would smile to himself throughout the day while thinking of something Magnus mentioned. But today, it was eerily quiet. It made both Alec and his alpha extremely uncomfortable because Alec always looked forward to listening to Magnus's adventures.

"Well, all the portals are done, and I did some random ward checks as well." Magnus clapped his hands and rubbed his palms as to try and warm up his body. Alec knew Magnus got colder easily, so he always made sure to turn up the heating in the institute whenever Magnus came over, but it seemed like Magnus was feeling extra cold today. Alec's heart ached as he and his alpha desperately wanted to step forward and offer his jacket to Magnus or maybe offer to increase the heating in the institute, but Alec did not want to cross that invisible line he drew between him and Magnus.

"All the wards seem to be okay. I will do a proper check throughout the whole institute in a month time, of course, I will only charge normal rates for that one." Magnus looked at Alec, and when he did not receive a response, he turned back to the ward he had  just checked. 

"I assume that concludes my work here for today." Magnus was used to Alec,  not saying much,  so he did not really expect a response. Also, since Alec always made sure to send the payments on time through someone else, Magnus didn't have to remind twice. 

"Well then. I will see myself out." Magnus gave a small nod to Alec before he stepped away. The beautiful and flirty smile Magnus always had for Alec was not there anymore. His eyes were not sparkling like they normally would, and the affection Magnus's scent normally had for him was not there anymore. Alec felt this tight feeling around his throat as he helplessly watched Magnus walking away from him. Him and the alpha in him were going through millions of emotions as he watched Magnus stepped away from them. 

'My mate!' the alpha screamed in Alec's head. 

'Stop him.' The pull Alec felt for Magnus was so strong that for the first time in his life, he felt a if  he would lose Magnus forever if he did not do anything. As the distance between them increased, Alec started hyperventilating,  and his chest area tightened up. 

"Magnus." He almost choked as he said Magnus's name out loud. His voice was barely a whisper but was enough for Magnus to hear.


"Magnus." Magnus almost missed Alec's faint voice,  but the change in Alec's pheromones was too much for Magnus to miss. As much as Magnus didn't want to turn around, his alphas' whining made him turn around to see what else  the Shadowhunter needed from him. 

"ALEXANDER!" Magnus shouted when he saw Alec on his knees with his hand over his chest. Alec was staring at the floor as his whole body was shivering uncontrollably. Magnus ran to Alec's' side and got on his knees to see what the hell just happened in last couple of seconds. 

"Alec, answer me. What is going on? Are you in pain?" Magnus quickly put his hand over Alec's shoulder and gripped tightly so he could give the support Alec needed,  and without any delay, he started sending soothing pheromones and magic all over Alec's body. 

"Alexander, please talk to me." Magnus begged as Alec was still hyperventilating as he started into the floor. 

"Don't go..." Alec held into Magnus's arms like his life depended on it. 

"No, I won't leave you. I am here, Alexander. I am here." Magnus reassured. Magnus could not understand what was happening. Alec's physical body was perfectly fine,  and the  only thing Magnus could think was that something was wrong with Alec's alpha, but Magnus was not an expert when it came to alpha related medical issues. 

"Magnus? sir?" A familiar voice made Magnus look up. 

"Andrew!" As much as Magnus was happy to see a familiar face, he did not anyone in the institute to see Alec in that vulnerable moment also with Alec's alpha pheromone on haywire, it was dangerous to have an omega in close proximity. Especially when Magnus knew Alec was interested in the said omega. If Alec completely loses control, the whole thing could end up in a disaster. 

"Andrew, ask an alpha medical team to come over as soon as possible and evacuate any unmated omegas from the area. Send a fire message to Catarina Loss and ask her to meet up us in the left wing of the institute immediately."

"NO!" Alec looked up. Magnus flinched at the pitch-black eyes that were staring into his. Alec's beautiful hazel eyes have been completely taken over by the alpha's eyes. 

"Your loft!" Alec's alpha voice commanded. If Magnus was an omega, he would have been shivering under that alpha command, but since he is an alpha himself, he only flinched at the command. 

"Shit!" Magnus remembered about Andrew. 

"Are you okay?" Magnus quickly asked from Andrew, and he slowly nodded his head. He definitely was shaken up by the alpha command, but thankfully, since the command was pointed at Magus, it seemed like he wasn't too affected. 

"Get away from here. Stay as far from here as you can. I will get Alec to my place and will keep everyone in the loop."

"Okay." Andrew took a step back from the room, and soon after, he disappeared into the dark corridors in the institute.

"Alexander, can you get up?" Magnus's voice was as soft. He knew he had to show to Alec's alpha that he and his alpha were no threat, and they just wanted to help. Alec slowly nodded. Still staring into Magnus with pitch black eyes and he seemed to be in daze. 

"Great, then I am going to help you to get up, and then I am going to open a portal to my loft." Magnus explained as softly as possible.

"Then Catarina will come and check how we can help you. Does that sound okay?" Magnus asked carefully. 

"Don't leave!" Alec replied. 

"I won't leave Alexander. I promise."

"Promise?" The words seemed to pique Alec's interest. 

"Yes, I promise."

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