Part 1

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“I hear Sahara is beautiful this time of the year.” Ragnor looked at Magnus and then at the young Shadowhunter fella Magnus had been eyeing at since the beginning of the party.

“Hm..hmm..” Magnus answered still with his eyes on the young shadowhunter.

‘Aaron.. Agnus.. Axter…what the hell is that fella’s name?’ Ragnor tried to remember Magnus’s new crush’s name. Over the years, Magnus found a new crush to ogle over, and Ragnor gave up on remembering all of Magnus’s crushes' names about a century ago. Interestingly, Magnus has been crushing over this young alpha with hazel eyes and dark hair for close to 10 years now. Normally, Magnus moved on from his crushes very quickly, but that has not been the case this time, so it might be worth remembering this fella’s name.

“I am planning to spend my summer there. I am sure a scorching hot desert will be a perfect place to spend the summer.” Ragnor looked at Cat, who was so close to burst into laughter.

“Hmm... That sounds perfect.”

“Also, can you give me your apartment in Paris? It is situated in a perfect place, and I know how proud you are of your Paris apartment.” Ragnor tried his luck while Magnus was distracted. Cat closed her eyes tightly and looked up so she could control her giggle.

“Of course, happily.”  Magnus was still not paying attention to the conversation.

“How about your Brooklyn apartment, too? I am sure you can afford to lose two of your most desirable apartments to one of your lifelong friends?” Ragnor got greedy.

“Oh...” Magnus finally looked at Ragnor.

“You are taking the piss, aren’t you?” Magnus glared at Ragnor.

“Finally!” Catarina finally burst into laughter after observing the interaction between Ragnor and distracted Magnus for good 10 minutes.  

“Only cost you two apartments to finally look at your oldest friend’s face.” Ragnor looked unimpressed.

“Okay, I admit I might have been a bit distracted.”

“A bit?” Catarina started laughing louder than before, which earned a few head turns, which included the young alpha Magnus has been eyeing up this whole afternoon.

“Catarina, please!” Magnus begged as he looked around to give everyone who was looking at them a reassuring smile so they would return to whatever they were doing. Magnus’s eyes stopped at Alec or, as he would like to say, Alexander. While everyone else nodded to Magnus’s reassuring smile, Alec stared at him with such cold eyes. While Magnus should be used to Alec’s cold eyes, glares, and hurtful words by now, his heart always refused to be used to those and always made it painful him. It is ridiculous, to be honest. Whole nine years Magnus has known Alec, Alec rarely smiled at him or had a normal conversation. He was always polite during official business, but that is where his politeness ended. Alec made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with Magnus.

Alexander Gideon Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood and Robert Lightwood’s oldest son. The head of New York Institute. The best friend and Parabatai of Jace Herondale, Older brother of Izzy Lightwood and Max Lightwood. Magnus still remembers the first time Magnus saw Alec. Magnus was visiting the institute to open a portal to Idris for the head of the institute, and instead of Maryse or Robert, Alec met him in front of the institute, and Magnus was hooked 6-foot lean tall frame, raven colour hair, deep hazel eyes, sharp cheekbones, and the list went on. Magnus has always been a sucker for dark hair and expressive eyes, and Alec looked like Alec was made to fulfil Magnus’s deepest desires. With Alec been an angel blooded, Magnus was wary at the beginning but as he spent more and more time with the new institute head, Alec’s strong and powerful alpha traits, and his unbiased leadership skills and respect he show towards the downworlders only made Magnus fall for Alec little bit more every single day and a decade later his pot of feeling for Alec was overflowing.

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