Chapter 5

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"Oh, he might be having bad time... I want to find him, now!" Said Mike running away.
"Mike! Wait for me-" Wanted to say Alex.
"No, let them two to be alone for some time..." Said Hank.
"Then i will just look after them. I worried about both!" Said Alex.
"Please, you should rest. You happened to experience both transfur and distransfur!" Said George.
"I know, but, i worry about them more than myself and i cant do anything about it." Said Alex.
"Dont overexert yourself, take it easy." Said Jake.
"... I will try to not get too tired, okay? Niw bye!" Said Alex walking away.
Following Mikes voice, Alex found Ryan and hid behind the corner.
"Ruan, there you are! I was worried about you!" Said Mike.
At that moment Ryan was laying on the floor, looking under sofa.
"Oh hi Mike, is Alex back yet?" Asked Ryan.
"Well, yes, but you dont look as sad as before." Said Mike.
"Its just something i have discovered several minutes ago." Said Ryan.
"Okay, what could it be?" Asked Mike.
"Remember how Pedro died, in this same room?" Asked Ryan.
"Of course i remember.." Said Mike.
"Look under this sofa." Said Ryan.
Without asking any more questions, Mike, looked under it and saw white crystals.
"What are they doing here, and why are they not blue?.." Asked Mike.
"And it means, that Pedro didnt die without a trace! This alone makes me more happy." Said Ryan.
"Thats great news. And its good to see you more positive." Said Mike smiling.
"Yeah." Said Mike.
They both looked at the crystals again.
"Now that i think about it, Pedro's 'mind' or 'memories' might still be contained here... And i wonder what would happen if Alex got transfured by it... A-and of course i dont want this to h-happen! He had enough already. But really, at the surface it looks like he can do that very often." Said Ryan.
"... Well it might. But we wont be able to find out." Said Mike.
"You are right, lets go to the cafeteria and grab something to eat." Said Ryan.
"Of course!" Said Mike looking happy.
As they went away, Alex came closer to sofa and took a close look at the crystals.
"So those crystals were left after Pedros death?" Asked Alex.
"I guess so... You know, after their talk i think it would be great to talk to him again if i could..." Said Axel.
"I feel you, but, you know. All this stuff going on is very weird and not safe. I hope at least this day will be peaceful." Said Alex.
"Of course it will! Its your birthday! And you turn eighteen." Said Axel.
"Yeah, i probably should finally rest a lil bit. And then i want to examine those crystals more." Said Alex.
"Yeah sure." Said Axel.
Without hesitation Alex layed on a sofa.
"Wait i thought you would go to garden or north sector." Said Axel.
"Well thats not a bad idea, but i want Mike and Ryan to spend some time together and they also might go to these places." Said Alex.
"Well Ryan might come back here too, you know?" Said Axel.
"Oh.. Haven't thought about that.. I guess its time to go." Said Alex standing up.
Not like always, but his head was spinning a little bit.
"You sure need rest..." Said Axel.
"Im fine.." Said Alex.
With a small haste, he went to the far east wing, layed on a sofa and as he closed his eyes, nothing goes black. But instead he still sees everything, but its in his mind. Just same as when Alex just met Axel.
"Damn it... I still can 'see' everything." Said Alex.
"My bad... But i cant really do much about it." Said Axel.
"... Mind if i take off goggles, while im taking a nap?" Asked Alex.
"..Alright. Doesn't seem like that much of a bad idea." Said Axel.
"Thanks. Meet you soon!" Said Alex.
"You too.." Said Axel.
Not like he enjoys being alone, but knowing, that Alex is doing fine makes up for it. Thats when Alex takes off the goggles and rubs his eyes.
"Yeah, i definitely needed a break from those lenses..." Said Alex putting goggles nearby.
And in a moment he fell asleep. I think its the third time he gets a proper sleep. But it doesn't matter. No dream so far, because everything else was already enough for his mind to handle. Thats why we will go see what Mike and Ryan are doing. As expected, they were walking.
"So, what do you think about last event?" Asked Ryan.
"Very scary and unexpected. Axel never told me about it before!" Said Mike.
"Maybe he had a good reason for that, like, its very rare and everything." Said Ryan.
"Yeah, you are right.. We should be happy everything turned normal." Said Mike.
"Thats the reason to have some fun!" Said Ryan.
"I mean, why not." Said Mike smiling.
"Boop! You are tagged!" Said Ryan running away.
"Cant run away from me!" Said Mike.
They both were running around, laughing. Just having a great time. After some time they find Alex laying on the sofa.
"Ha- wait, i see Alex!" Said Mike.
"What is he doing here? And why did he take off goggles?" Asked Ryan.
"I dont know, maybe something bad happened?..." Asked Mike.
Mike approached Alex looking worried.
"... Oh, wait, he might just be sleeping, you know?" Said Ryan.
"Hm... Maybe we should just ask him?" Said Mike.
"No, let him sleep. There cant be anything bad happening just right now. Its like a day off, you know?" Said Ryan.
"Well, we dont go to work to have days off." Said Mike.
"Doesn't matter, lets just go." Said Ryan.
"Okay." Said Mike.
Before they could walk far enough, Issac spotted them.
"Oh hey there Mike and Ryan! Mind helping with something?" Asked Issac.
"Eh, sure. What is it?" Asked Mike.
"Henry and Kel are busy with something else, so i ask you to move the tables in the cafeteria." Said Issac.
"Okay." Said both Ryan and Mike.
So they went away to do this. After some time Alex finally woke up, yawning.
"Agh... Hmm, what a nice nap i had... Wait, Axel must be worried about me. So lets put goggles back on.
"Wassup Axel, i hope it wasn't so long for you." Said Alex.
"Oh dont worry, i dont have much sense of time when goggles are not on you." Said Axel.
"Alright? So i think i should go and grab a snack." Said Alex.
"Of course!" Said Axel.
Axel definitely knew what was coming later on. As Alex approached cafeteria, he didn't see anyone around.
"It looks empty, too empty. I hope nothing bad happened while i was off." Said Alex.
"Surely nothing bad." Said Axel.
And after walking in Alex was surprised by everyone wearing party hats. Cafeteria was set for a party, and as you could expect, his birthday.
"Happy birthday Alex!" Said Mike hugging Alex.
"Yes, happy birthday." Said Issac.
"Oh! I didn't think you all would actually make a surprise party and everything.. Thanks!" Said Alex.
"Its better than that boredom before you came." Quietly said Henry.
"It was nothing much." Said Sofia.
After looking around, he saw the confetti, the colour stripes and a cake. But nothing seemed to have any numbers. That made Alex think not everyone knew his age. And as he was about to point at that, he was interrupted.
"So, Issac didn't tell us how old are you turning yet. Thats why its also a surprise for us!" Said Olivia.
"I will let Issac say my age." Said Alex.
"Oh, okay. Didn't really expect it, but still.
Alex is turning 18!" Said Issac.
"Yay! Wait, only 18? I thought minimal age to work here was 25?" Asked Hank.
"No Hank, its 30, but i think they couldn't find anyone else to work here, you know?" Said Kel.
"... Funny joke, right?" Said Sofia.
Most of them though so too, until Issac pulled out the sticks shaped like 1 and 8 that usually go on cake.
"... So this is not a joke..." Said Sofia.
Issac didnt hesitate and put them on the cake.
"You know what, that will be fine, we shouldn't care that much about the rules! We can make our own rules!" Said Ryan.
Everyone else agreed with him.
-"So there is no problem now, right?" Asked Alex in his mind.
Everyone still had different thoughts about how to react to Alex being the youngest out of them all. But the party began. Everyone got a topic to talk about so, it wasn't that bad of a party. Alex grabbed a soda and walked to Issac.
"Hey Issac, thank you for organising all that. I never had such a big birthday ever!" Said Alex.
"Glad you enjoyed, because thats my speciality. Also I didn't think about what reaction they will have after hearing your age." Said Issac.
"I hope they wont change their attitude towards me to the worse." Said Alex.
"Relax, dont think about it so much! Just have fun and be free to do whatever you need!" Said Issac squeaking his nose and walking away.
It left Alex with a small smile on his face. In a moment Mark and Paul approach him.
"Wassup Alex! How have you been?" Said Mark.
"Im doing alright. What about you two?" Said Alex.
"Yep, we are doing quite good actually." Said Paul.
"Also now that we know that you are 18 years old, it means you are the youngest! That sounds cool enough!" Said Mark.
"Oh really?" Asked Alex.
"Yeah! We always wanted to have a little bro." Said Paul.
-".. I never had a brother, or even bro." Said Alex in his mind.
After that someone else came by. They were Devin and Devon.
"What are you guys doing?" Asked Devon.
"Chatting with Alex." Said Mark.
"Cool, we shall join then!" Said Devin.
"We dont mind it." Said Paul.
"Okay so, do you mind us calling you lil bro?" Asked Mark smiling.
"Lil bro? That sounds very funny." Said Devon.
"Well, at least between us, can we call you lil bro?" Asked Mark.
"I dont mind. But dont take it too far. I dont want everyone to treat me like a baby just because of my age." Said Alex.
"Oh yeah, we promise to not spread this." Said Paul.
"Yeah yeah." Said Alex.
"Heh, i will start calling you lil bro too sometimes now." Said Devin smiling.
A little bit of non talking time... Suddenly someone takes off his goggles.
"Uh?!" Said Alex.
"Dont worry, lil bro, im not stealing them. Just be without them for a second, okay." Said Mark.
"I, uh.. Okay, but i should have said Axel about this first." Said Alex.
"He will understand." Said Paul.
All four of them looked at each other and knew what they wanted to do. Thats when Mark puts his headphones on Alex.
"Aa?!-" Wanted to say Alex.
Following him, devin and Paul put their shades on Alex. And at the end Devon puts his fedora on him.
"Look how cool you look right now!" Said Mark.
Alex didnt want to move while they were examining goggles and he started sweating a little bit. But nothing bad happened.
"Okay okay, thanks, it was cool but, you can take them back now.." Said Alex.
"Yeah. Okay, here you go!" Said Mark returning goggles.
After that they all went away into the crowd. Alex immediately puts on goggles and walks to the side of cafeteria.
"Alex! What happened?! Why did you take off goggles like that?" Asked Axel.
"It wasnt me, but Mark. At first nothing much was happening untill they start putting on their accessories on me. I thought i might transfur!" Said Alex.
"..Oh, yeah dont worry. You couldn't transfur because accessories still have their owners." Said Axel.
"... Thats a relief... I really thought they believe that i can survive any transfur if something goes wrong." Said Alex.
"I wonder how it looked like." Said Axel.
"They really liked it..." Said Alex feeling a lil happy.
"Glad everyone is having fun." Said Axel.
"Yeah.." Said Alex having a small grin on his face.
But thats not all. Later on Max and Juan come closer.
"Hi." Said Max.
"Oh hello." Said Alex.
Alex didn't expect them to talk to him at all.
"Its cool that, you turn 18." Said Max.
"I know right, maybe you want something else from me?" Asked Alex.
"He wanted to know you closer." Said Juan.
"I, i, yes.." Said Max.
"Oh sure! I don't mind that." Said Alex.
"So, how are you feeling, after everything that had happened recently?" Asked Max
"That was quite, stressful and unexpected, but still. Everything is fine now. Im glad I didn't bring too much destruction." Said Alex.
"It wasn't you thought! So dont don't take the blame on yourself." Said Juan.
"Juan is right. Why do you even do so?" Asked Max.
"Its just, i dont want anyone to think bad about me. I get to take some of the blame on myself to make people believe me more." Said Alex.
Juan slightly punched Alex in a shoulder.
"Hey kid, just remember. We will be on your side." Said Juan.
"Yeah.." Said Max.
"Thanks." Said Alex.
Both Juan and Max left the chat.
"Never really saw them so interested in human before." Said Axel.
"I guess i change people, right?" Said Alex.
"Yes, you do. Because of your impression on others." Said Axel.
Alex sighed. But something touched Alex's leg. After looking down, he saw that it was Robert. It sure looked messy.
"Oh, Robert! You look dirty. Maybe your sensor camera got in dirt too. Let me clean it really quickly." Quietly said Alex.
He took a part of his sleeve and rubbed the lense. Then Olivia came by.
"Hi Olivia!" Said Alex.
"Hi hi! Issac really impressed us all with all this stuff, didn't he? I hope you like it." Said Olivia.
"I sure do! Hope you all are having a great time too!" Said Olivia going away.
And then Kel noticed that Alex was free and decided to start a talk.
"So, how is it going so far?" Asked Kel.
"Cool. But i wonder why you looked so calm when heard my age?" Said Alex.
"I kinda thought about it from the beginning. Also i was discussing this with Henry, and he was closest to guessing your age." Said Kel.
"I know right." Said Henry looking proud.
"Okay, have a good day!" Said Alex walking away.
He looked around a bit more and noticed all shork gootraxians (David, Emily, Logan, Tom and Lucy). They saw him too and cheerfully waved at him.
"I guess those other there like you." Said Axel.
"Well, they do seem to be younger. So getting to know my age changed their perspective." Said Alex.
"Of course, how could i not see it.." Said Axel.
"I guess its time to try out the cake!" Said Alex.
He came closer to the table and put one slice on the plate. But he hesitated to try it.
"Something on your mind?" Asked Axel.
"I wonder where Mike went. I didnt see him nearby at all after the party officially started." Said Alex.
"That is kinda odd." Said Axel.
"I will look around." Said Alex.
First he rechecked the cafeteria itself, but didn't seem to see Mike. Then he noticed a ladder that goes up.
"I never was up here before." Said Alex.
"Oh yeah, up here are some crates and other stuff." Said Axel.
"Maybe Mike is up here." Said Alex.
Right now, without hesitation, he climbed up and immediately saw Mike with Mila doing something together.
"I dont think it should go here." Said Mike.
"If you are not sure, try it. Later we will try the other way around." Said Mila.
Alex took a step closer.
"Mike, you are here! I lost you for a moment." Said Alex.
"O-oh, hi Alex. Didn't expect that you would go up here." Said Mike.
"Damn, my plan didn't work." Quietly said Mila.
"What are you doing here?" Asked Alex.
"Well-" Wanted to say Mike.
"We are trying to fix the watch you gave to Mike." Said Mila.
Immediately Mike revealed the disassembled watch.
"I was trying to make it a surprise." Said Mike.
"Oh, you shouldn't have tried by yourself. This watch is old enough to be almost impossible to repair! Let me help you real quick!" Said Alex.
Alex took out his tools like a pro and started examining the watch.
"You managed to bring just the right lense for it! Thats great. Didn't think there would be any of those!" Said Alex.
It didn't take long to assemble it.
"Here you go!" Said Alex.
"Woah, how are you so good at all that stuff?!" Asked Mike.
"I had lots of free time." Said Alex.
After that Mike went for a hug, lifting Alex. He didn't say anything and hugged back.
"You guys look so cute together!" Said Mila.
"I guess its okay, looking at our age difference." Said Alex.
"Thats a good point." Said Mike.
"Lets just go an try the cake!" Said Alex smiling.
"Of course!" Said Mike.
They got off, grabbed a slice each one, and had a great time later on party...

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