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Chapter 1

Act 1 "A beginning of a story"
Once a guy called Alex got his new job at Laminax facility, he was so exited, because it was his first job, and it was so hard to get!
When he got into the elevator, he felt that something is wrong with it. He felt that it shakes a bit. He started to panic, when elevator started to shake more and more. Then he tries to remember what was written in contract he has sighed some moments ago. Then he realises, that it contained bad equipment because of low budget, but he didnt think that it will be THAT bad. Alex prays to god so the elevator doesn't fall, but then one noise, and then it falls. In the last moment he closes his eyes and waits for elevator to fall...

Act 2 "The fall"
When Alex was falling, he felt sleepy because it was very stressful moment. To fall asleep, he layed on the floor of elevator, took his biker helmet, put it on and started to fall asleep, while falling...

Act 3 "Still falling but in the dream"
Alex fell asleep, and he had a strange dream, where he was in the room, with a lot of animals inside. Well, the room was big enought to contain that much animals. They were wild, but they didnt seem to try to attack. He started to come to everyone and try to become friend with them because Alex is Alex, wants to be friends with everyone. He started trying out, and it was hard, but successful. He was able to pat every animal here. But then. He woke up...

Act 4 "Action starts now"
When Alex woke up, he was trying to realise where was he, what was happening right now. His helmet was broken, so he took it off. There was noise of alarm or something. He started to panic, because everything was so confusing. Then he heard noise of falling object, it was going from elevator. It was his case. It fell right on him, so he got stunned. The last thing he saw after big bonk was purple thing, looking right on him with 3 eyes...

Act 5 "The strange survivor"
Alex woke up on sofa in some small room. He didnt know where he was, what happened, but he had a lot of questions. He started thinking, was this all facility was some kind of foolish trap. Alex didnt seem to try to move because it was dangerous. And also because he heard something from the other room. Then he saw a strange creature bring to him soup. His eyes were opened a bit, so it looked like he is still asleep. Creature looked at him with smile, and went to the other room. Then he fully opened his eyes, looked at soup and started to stare at it.
-"Is it safe to eat that thing?" Alex thought in his head.
He looked around and saw, that creature, who brought him soup stared at him from the corner.
Alex got scared, but it wasnt looking like he did. He slowly turned his head to him, so it realised that he can see it. Creature ran away, because it was shy or something. Alex didnt know it exactly, because it was unknown and he never saw such creatures. Then he tried the soup, it was warm and decent. Nothing was special in it, just a soup with noodles in it... He ate a whole cup of it and started to look around more. He was in some kind of rest room. There were some pictures of people. He didnt knew who are they, so he didnt give much attention to that. He looked at himself and realised, that he still was in costume. He tried to stand, but it wasnt very successful because he got hit by his case, that is right from him. He took his costume off, opened his case and took out his sweater and pants, wore them and got up. He started to look for that creature, because he saw it. He was walking around, and there wasnt so much place, so it wasnt big. He found it. Creature looked at him and it looked like it was a bit nervous.
"Hey, dont be scared of me."Alex said to it.
"N-no im not." Answered creature.
-"Omg it can talk." Alex thought in his mind.
-"Omg he spoke to me." Creature thought in his mind.
Alex started to stare on it, trying to quess what was it. Creature started to stare at him as well, to know more details of his appearance.
Then Alex understood, that it was some kind of human looking animal, furry. But it was good, that he didnt mind it, because he loves animals...

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