Chapter 4???

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(everything takes place after first ending, where Alex decided to stay human)
The next day life in the facility is going great, Alex had everyones trust expect for Henry. He wont change his mind. Also right now he and Mike are walking in cave.
"Life is going pretty well here, isn't it?" Said Alex.
"Yes, your appearance brightened our lives. And made us safer from one of the bad humans." Said Mike.
"Yeah, but i wouldn't be alive, if you didn't save me back there." Said Alex smiling.
"I couldn't just leave you there if course!... We have gone through so much recently. I wonder if you had something similar up here, before getting stuck here with us." Said Mike.
"Nah, it was very peaceful. So im happy to experience something new!" Said Alex.
"Tell him how old are you." Said Axel.
"Ah, Axel wants me to tell you my age." Said Alex.
"Oh, never thought about it. I guess its time to find out." Said Mike.
"Well, im seventeen years old." Said Alex.
-"...What da hail, he is 17 years old?! And he experienced all that! All that violence towards him, someone's death. Even going to work! In such place! (Even Timmy with A++++'es wouldn't survive here)..." Said Mike in his mind stopping to walk.
"Mike, is everything okay?" Asked Alex.
"... You shouldn't have been here not going to lie. Its so dangerous! I thought you was in your 20ies!... Well in good context. When do you even turn 18?" Asked Mike.
"Now that you asked about it... Oh yeah, its tommorow." Said Alex.
"That makes me less worried... Wait really tommorow?! We should celebrate it something!" Said Mike.
"But what about your birthday? When is it?" Asked Alex.
"... I dont remember... And won't, because im a gootrax. We don't celebrate those." Said Mike.
"Thats sad. But also, wont you all be tired if another event like this starts? I think everyone knows enough about me, you know?... Not like i hate attention, its just im worried about you all." Said Alex.
"Well i still will get to be on your birthday!" Said Axel seeming to be happy.
"Oh yeah, Axel wont be able to go anywhere. And he doesn't mind it." Said Alex.
"If we want to celebrate it and wont leave anyone ignored, we will have to announce it." Said Mike.
"Okay okay." Said Alex.
Then someone comes out from the corner.
"I might help with that." Said someone.
"Oh, its Issac. The partyena." Said Mike.
"Nice to meet you, and yeah, i mostly organise parties and i saw how you dealt with that one party breaker." Said Issac.
"Yeah dont worry, he won't bother anyone anymore." Said Alex.
"Okay... So i will do the most of it and you all can just relax.
"Thank, but im sure i can help with something." Said Alex.
"Alright, i will tell you later when i get the list of things. But now bye!" Said Issac.
"Okay bye!" Said Alex.
"I remember he once told me that there were birthday parties before. So it shouldn't be hard for him." Said Axel.
"Oh right! I promised something important to Kate! Bye Alex! See you soon!" Said Mike leaving.
Now Alex was left alone. Well, Axel was with him anyway.
"So what will you do today?" Asked Axel.
"Maybe helping others, maybe learning about goo more. But first let me do something." Said Alex smiling.
He took off the goggles and did something in his phone. In a moment he puts them back on.
"Alex, please dont just take them off like that! At least tell me when." Said Axel.
"Sorry, but its a little surprise for tommorow." Said Alex.
Axel decided not to dig into Alex's memory to keep it as a surprise. In a moment Mike came back.
"Woah you did it already? What was it?" Asked Alex.
"A simple task i cant talk about." Said Mike smiling.
"Okay wont question it." Said Alex.
"Also, Alex, you never got to hear details about what so strange was happening, that Ryan really didnt want to see you here at first. Its quite a story and i wanted to tell it to you when everything becomes more peaceful." Said Mike.
"Oh I'd like to hear about that... I mean, why not." Said Alex.
"Alrighty, so it all started after we won the war...
It was peaceful, gootraxians finally got the peace they wanted. Nothing was wrong, but elevators were still working. So it meant that humans could come over and over again. Thats when the first human dropped here, safely, not like you... Doesn't matter. It was a man, that wasn't really nice. So at first he attacked me and started screaming. Then calmed down and started harassing me. But then Ryan came and tried to get a normal conversation, but that man didnt let to. That lead into an argument about what to do with him. But at the end he just ran away. But in progress he put the shades that transfur. I dont know how, but they really changed his behaviour to the better. Thats how Devin came here. The other time another human came, but this time a woman. Now she was much more aggressive, trying to fight. But she wasnt so strong, thats why she ran away immediatly. So after a moment we found her in storage room. After she spotted us, woman started to throw everything at us, making not very serious injuries. Suddenly a crate full of soap falls onto her, causing to transfur. It was power outage, so she became dagoda, basically thats how Juan came here. And the third one... Is the toughest one. And the one, who started our indignation. We couldn't even get to meet him first, as he found a bat and started roaming around with it. It was a disaster. Many got hurt, and at once... He killed one of the pups. Thats when we had enough. Ryan doesn't really like slime pups, but it couldn't continue like that. He disarmed human and dragged into crystal cave. And you know what happened next... And of course that one was about Henry. Im happy that Kel took care of him and made the situation safer. Great that others didn't attack you, even though it was risky. Real luck." Said Mike.
"I didn't know that... It was completely reasonable that several gootraxians joined Ryan back there." Said Alex.
"Right." Said Mike.
Suddenly lights first go off, then on and immediately alarm starts. Everyone were shocked.
"Wait, is that?..." Said Mike.
"The same one alarm from some time ago..." Said Alex.
"I dont recall hearing this before..." Said Axel.
Crystals were once again several coloured.
"I t-think something is w-wrong!" Said Mike.
Next, he falls on the floor shaking.
"Mike!" Said Alex and Axel.
"I-i-i..." Wanted to say Mike.
But then he stops shaking and casually stands up.
"Mike, is everything okay now?" Asked Akex.
No response.
"I really think its not what you would expect..." Said Axel.
"What do you mean by that?..." Asked Alex.
Mike looked at alex, sniffed, and then hissed.
"Woah woah woah hey hey hey! Whats wrong?" Asked Alex.
Right after he finished his sentence, Mike tried to grab Alex, but its a fail.
"What are you doing?!" Asked Alex.
"Oh no, i think the rumours were true!" Said Axel.
"What rumours?!" Asked Alex.
"Before i died, i hear people saying about the period of time when all gootraxians became more hostile, even forgot how to speak! I didnt know it could happen again! It means... Mike is now just a nightcrawler... He doesn't remember anything..." Said Axel.
"Thats too sudden turn of events!" Said Alex.
Mike was getting ready to attack.
"Gotta go!" Said Alex trying to run away.
But now, that 'Mike' is very hostile and has no feelings for Alex, it was much more serious. Mike was catching up, but Alex was barely able to dodge the attacks. While running Axel noticed that everyone were behaving strangely.
"I think everyone got affected by that..." Said Axel.
Alex decided to not say anything but concentrate on running away. When he had a moment to look back, only seeing, that everyone tried to catch him.
"T-this i-is... E-everyone is... All that f-for..." Said Alex.
"Please calm down and try to breathe properly." Said Axel being worried.
"I, i cant... Im very worried about the results of this event... They all will be..." Said Alex.
Tear started flowing on his cheek.
"We wont give up! We will try everything we can, but first, lets run away properly." Said Axel.
"... You are right... I will try my best!" Said Alex.
But all that talking lowered his guard, and suddenly 'Ryan' blocked the path.
"Oh shi-" Wanted to say Alex.
But right when he slowed down, 'Mike' reached him. They both fell on the floor and 'Mike' grabbed Alex by his neck.
"M-mike, p-please, remember me..." Said Alex.
Nothing changed.
"... Mike?..." Said Alex.
Emotions were flowing in Alex's body, and Axel felt every single one of them.
"Alex, if it will continue like that, he will just transfur you! Try to do something!" Said Axel.
And so Alex tried to push 'Mike' away, but 'Ryan' helped holding him.
"There is no way i can do anything now..." Said Alex closing his eyes.
-"... Im sorry Alex, i know you didnt want this to happen again, but i have to..." Said Axel in mind.
The goo started dripping from the goggles, flowing down. It didnt take long to fullh cover the body. Because of that 'Mike' and 'Ryan' stepped back. In a moment Alex was fully transfured. The alarms went off, and so all the gootraxians went into different directions. But something is wrong... Something, that shouldn't have happened. Something inside...
What was happening inside.
It was like a very dark room, Alex looked around and saw two figures. Both of them were nightcrawlers. As you could think, they noticed Alex.
"Alex! You are here!... Wait, what are you even doing here?" Said Axel.
Alex could tell by his voice that it was Axel.
"I brought him here." Said nightcrawler.
"Who even are you?" Asked Alex.
"I am the spirit, that all the goo has. I take the form of any gootrax's mind i come in. As for now, that this nightcrawler is here, i can take this form. And i shall make the real gootrax, the beast, so gootraxians wont struggle from being so weak." Said spirit.
"So you are behind all of them becoming hostile!" Said Axel.
"Yes, and this body is next. Sadly i will have to do you both seperately. Thats why i will deal with the human first, gain some power, and easily strike you next. But for now you shall leave us alone. Untill next time..." Said spirit.
Axel simply disappeared.
"What did you do to him?!" Asked Alex.
"Taking you both at the same time will be impossible. Thats why he is not here, but controlling the body. I could do that instead, if i had the permission. Sadly you can only give it to him. Thats how. But now, i will defeat you, who made them too fragile." Said spirit.
"But why me? Why not Axel?" Asked Alex.
"Because he was in you mind for too long and knows how to do much stuff. But in this case, i will fight you. The inexperienced human." Said spirit.
"I wont go down so easily! They are my friends and i will find a way around it!" Said Alex.
"Heh, alright. But you stand no chance." Said spirit.
And so they started fighting. It will go for a long time, because Alex knows the technique that Axel taught him.
Back to real world
Axel woke up.
"What happened?... Wait, am i... Im alive?! Im, im here... Alex... He is still here... Its quite a stress for him... But i wont just stand still and wait! I will try to make others remember who they are! Or at least try..." Said Axel.
Thats when he noticed 'Mike' not that far away.
"Its Mike!" Said Axel.
So Axel came closer.
"Mike! Im so glad to see you once more in person like that!" Said Axel.
'Mike' did not understand whats that all is about.
"Oh right... You dont remember anything... Wait, I actually look different from how you remember me! Then it wont work... But what will?" Said Axel.
Thinking about something, Axel noticed that Alex's watch is missing.
"Hold on, where is the watch that Alex gave you?! It must be nearby. Maybe it will remind you about him!" Said Axel.
It didn't take a while to find it. But there was another problem. Watch was partly broken.
"... Alex wont be happy if he sees this... I just have to pray that works. I wonder how it even got like that. (All the shaking at start)" Said Axel.
Axel gathered whats remaining, and went to 'Mike'. But he was sleeping. After the change it was reasonable. First Axel decided to carefully shake, but it didnt work.
"Come on. Wake up, please!" Said Axel.
No response. Thays when the last measure comes... He grabs tail and drags on the floor. 'Mike' wakes up and looks around, grabbing his head. But nothing much happened. He still dont remember anything.
"Alright, hi Mike, i brought you something you definitely remember." Said Axel.
He pulled out the watch and showed it to 'Mike'. He came closer and started starting. Then he gently grabbed it and continued starting. At one moment he looked at Axel.
"...I... I think im... I remember now... Alex... But, the watch is broken..." Said Mike.
"Dont worry, im sure he wont get that mad at this. You remembering everything is more important." Said Axel.
"...Wait, your voice is different, and, did you just-... This cant be... Axel?! Is that you?!" Asked Mike.
"Yes, its me, its a pretty long story-" Wanted to say Axel.
But Mikes jumps at Axel hugging and crying.
"You are alive! I mean, you are here, in real world!... But... Where is Alex? What happened to him?!" Said Mike.
"Do you remember anything happening after you felt wrong?" Asked Axel.
"Well, no, i dont remember anything..." Said Mike.
"Then let me explain this real quick. The event that happened is from the old myths, it happens very rarely. The alarms get provoked by it. First it happens once, and nothing special happens. If something was wrong, then it starts again and every gootrax becomes wild or even hostile. They forget how to speak and what happened before. That all happens because of one thing that calls itself the spirit. It goes into minds and forcefully chanches them. When we had an emergency with Alex and i had to transfur Alex, it came inside his mind too. Not being able to take us both down at the same time, it kicked me out of the mind and i started controlling the body. As long as Alex is fighting, i will take the control and help everyone else. Thats why we need to hurry!" Said Axel.
Mike started to process information...
"Oh, its so complicated... But i think i understand. Because of spirit everyone are in that situation too! And as i understand, we need to show them something they will always remember. Come on, lets go! Untill its not too late!" Said Mike.
After that they ran into different directions...
What was happening inside.
I was never ending battle, where nobody can get exhausted. Then spirit has had enough.
"Alright! You wanted this!" Said spirit.
It stopped attacking using paws, but instead goo.
"Its inside mind, so i can use as much goo as i want!" Said spirit.
-"Darn it, thats much harder! I dont think i can defeat him... Wait, what if i try to use imagination? Does it work here?" Said Alex inside his mind.
after not thinking much, he got a sword and a shield out of nowhere.
"Neat!" Said Alex.
"Frick... Is he controlling every dream he sees to be able to do that!? Such a try hard." Said spirit.
Now it was more stable...
Back to real world.
Axel was heading towards the grass cave, hoping to find someone. After coming in, to his surprise, every blackout gootrax was here, sleeping. Thats when he realises what move was needed to bring them back memories.
"Im sure this will work." Said Axel smiling.
He stepped closer.
"Wake up wake up, its time, wake up! Dont fail me, my friends!
Stand up stand up, everyone stand up!
Gather all of your strength!" Said Axel.
Everyone started covering their ears, trying to avoid hearing this. Only one didnt hear. It was 'Mark' because he had his earphones on. Thats when Axel took them off, repeating over and iver again those words. In a moment everyone started stood up, knowing something is wrong. Thats when memory comes back and Axel stops.
"This stupid song, wait, is it really?... Axel?! You are here! How?!" Asked Bryan.
"Thats a long story..." Said Axel.
Everybody just went for a hug.
"Its so great to see you again! Even though i saw you the least... Yeah..." Said Ryan looking a little bit sad.
Axel realised whats wrong.
"Oh... Im really sorry Ryan... But i dont think you still will be able to see Pedro... But right now i need everyones help!
*A little explaining*
Thats why i need your help." Said Axel.
Everyone agreed and they split up...
What was happening inside.
The fight was continuing, driving spirit mad.
"Argh! Why cant you just give up!?" Asked spirit.
"I wont let my friends down. Everything will be okay!" Said Alex.
"Will be okay, huh?... I have an idea. But right now it wont work good enough..." Said spirit...
Back to real world.
Everything was going good, but several of them were on a loose. Axel was getting nervous that it might be too late soon. Going faster and faster, looking around, he couldn't find Gale.
"Ugh, where could he be, where could he be?! He can be anywhere! He is a ghost fox!.. No, i wont loose him! He was one of the first friends i made here!" Said Axel.
After several minutes of searching, je couldn't find a clue. But Mike came.
"How is it going?" Asked Mike.
"No results, i didnt know wild ghost foxes are so cautious..." Said Axel.
"We have rescued everyone else... I hope Alex is doing okay." Said Mike.
"He is winning so much time for us all... And yet i cant fulfil promise i made to myself..." Said Axel.
"... Lets hope he is fine, alright?" Said Mike.
Axel didnt answer anything.
"Okay... I will leave you in peace, okay? Get well soon." Said Mike leaving.
Now it was only Axel, sitting on the floor, grabbing his head.
"Why cant all this end well?..." Quietly said Axel.
"... It surely will..." Said Gale.
"A?! Oh damn! Gale, you are alright!... But how?" Asked Axel.
"... After looking at you, sitting in disbelief, i remembered everything... You was just like the first time we met..." Said Gale.
Axel just hugged him straight away. And with a small delay and a small smile, Gale hugged him back.
"Im glad you managed to remember me..." Said Axel.
"... Thats because you look just as good as you were before..." Said Gale.
"Oh really? Well, i do look newer than before... But Alex... Im worrying about him as much as Mike does." Said Axel.
"... Whatever is happening right now, i know that if friends are nearby, everything will end well..." Said Gale.
After that everyone gathered in the crystal cave.
"Whats the plan, Axel?" Asked Mike.
"The only things i can rely on are a miracle and Alex. If he somehow wins, then everything is good. If he loses, then im next... I dont really know what to do right now..." Said Axel closing his eyes...
Once again what was happening inside.
The fight was continuing, it felt like forever for Alex, loosing some hope. Because of that his face expression changed. And spirit took the chance.
"So you think everything will be okay?! Let me tell you that. Nothing is okay! This is just empty talking! Every time your parents told you that, they wanted you to become calm just for them to leave! You definitely do not know the truth. Maybe everything is fine with them, but not for you little buddy. Doesn't it feel not fair, when your blood connected parents dont want to give attention? Dont you think you deserve more?" Said spirit.
"W-what are you talking about... You can look into my memories too?!" Said Alex.
"That doesn't matter. Because of them you couldn't make normal friends. Because of them you wont become a proper man. And at the end you never got a proper family! Isnt it annoying? Isnt it frustrating?" Said spirit.
Alex thought about that and he couldn't imagine things good enough, so they start to fall apart.
"Thats what i wanted." Said spirit smiling.
It shortened the distance between and punded him into the ground, starting to cover in goo.
"I-im, i-i-im... W-where does all this anger come from?!" Said Alex.
"Yes, feel it! There is no escape from this!" Said spirit.
As Alwx was almost fully covered, something could be heard from far away...
What was happening in real world.
As Axel was standing still, some metal music started playing.
"What is that?" Asked Mike.
"... I dont know..." Said Axel.
"It comes from you..." Said Mike.
"Huh?" Said Axel.
"He checked his belt pockets just to find that alarm was set on 00.00.
"This seems to be some kind of alarm... And its named... Happy birthday..." Said Axel.
Back to what was happening inside.
It was rock music of course. It could ne heard pretty well.
"What is that? Is that music?" Asked spirit.

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