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A few hours after and that he was, miserable in that bare room with nothing but a bed, a small drawer and a water fountain, he remembered what it has like, how miserable those nights were, how much he hated that place, but then he remembered, Arkham was were he first met Bruce, even tho Arkham has a miserable place, it gave a John a friend, a partner, someone he could trust. He remembered all those wonderful time and memories, he remembered the bad ones too, but still, he enjoyed remembering all those thing.That gave him some hope. All he could do was laugh, laugh and laugh, like a maniac, everyone else probably thought he was a maniac. Remembering gave him some hope, but he was yet still miserable in that bare room.

He was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, still remembering, but also thinking, he wanted to leave, no, he needed to leave, somehow he had to, he just did. He thought and thought, nothing, not a single plan that could actually get him out that hellhole. He felt abandoned, he felt anger, like he wanted to punch a wall, but also weak, let down maybe even helpless. But yet, the man was still laughing like a maniac, he really didn't know why, it just happens.

It was already late at night when everything happened, it was even later now, so of course, John was pretty tied, from all that thinking and laughing and all those scary feelings, he decided it was time for some rest, he closed his eyes, and shifted his position on the bed, and eventually, he fell asleep.

The next morning, John woke up, hoping it was all a dream all along, but it wasn't, it never was, sadly. He sat on his bed, he felt oddly lightheaded, but still, nothing to worry about, or he thought. He stood up slowly, his vision getting blurry as he stood,

The rest of the day went on pretty normal, like it used to, all that stuff form when he was there before, not much change at least. He didn't really care for any of this, For John the day felt slow, slower then usual at least. He found that strange, but he figured it was just the things going on his head.

It was the end of the day. He was in that bare room once again, he laid in his bed once more, thinking, once more, "why? Why would someone do this to me, for I all remember I've always been nice to everyone, everyone who isn't rude to me, so why would someone want to screw me over so bad? All I ever did was follow other people, even tho I did make some mistakes, I knew I did wrong, that good. I Hope. Who? Who would do this to me? Most likely someone very rude, who hated me. But none of them would take it this far, or maybe they would. I don't know, all those days for thinking, trying to save the only one who's ever loved me. Loved me. He. Now I just keep seeing the days pass by as as try to hold on to the one thing, my love, trying to hope that once day it will be fine, that I'll wake up in my bed next to him, with no worrying, one day it will be like that, I'll make sure. I'll leave this place and come find you. I will, I will, Bruce".

Once again he found himself laughing like a maniac. But now, he had reassurance, wich lead to a plan, a plan to get out of there. A plan made with hope. It was simple, really he was going to pretend to be "sick" and hopefully once of the doctors would go and find him some medicine, and then run, run as fast as he could, it may have been simple, but not so sure it would be effective. But he still had to try. What's the worst that could happen? Not much, he could just try again, and again and again, Until it worked.

was it going to work? He wasn't sure, but he was of course going to try. He had to. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Hopefully it did, but he was going to leave somehow, " I will find you, Bruce"

It kinda felt long writing this ngl, I've been being lazy this hole week, so sorry if this took a while.

-with love

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