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He woke up and blinked a few times... he was next to Bruce? The sat on the bed and  admired Bruce's beautiful face, the only thing he could do was stare at his face after that, dream? But John was glad to see that Bruce was ok, he studied every dent and line on his face Then Bruce smiled, his eyes still closed, he opened his eyes and sat on the bed just like John,
"How did you sleep? He asked, but the sounded, funny? Or at least John thought

"Well... I had a very weird vivid dream.... I think...it was about-" John said but then Bruce interrupted him by climbing on top of him,
"Bruce..." John said, Bruce kissed the other man, john put his hands on Bruce's neck, then Bruce kissing the flesh on johns neck, John moaned at this and rubbed Bruce's back. Bruce started taking off his shirt but then John interrupted
"Wait! I'm not ready yet," John found all this strange, but he didn't know why

"Ok" Bruce said, he got off him and went to put on clothes, he put on a red and black suit. John also found that strange, but why? Bruce then walked up to John, who was standing, and hugged him, John gave in on the hug, once again he felt warm, just like at the party they had gone to. He enjoyed the hug until Bruce said
"Wake up, before they get you too"
John's eyes widened and he felt a cold air run down his spine he looked up at Bruce, his face was deformed and the floor seemed to melt down into a never ending tunnel, John fell into the hole and found himself wrapped with a rope to a chair, a dark figure standing in front of him, but it was too dark to make out who it was until the figured said
"You thought I'd forgotten about all that you did to me? Didn't you? You threw me away just like trash and went off with that Wayne garbage? Huh?

John woke up. Tears streaming down his cold pale cheeks and his pupils widened, all the he could do was cry, cry, cry. He wanted that dream to be real, he would sell his own soul just to see Bruce again, he was going to try to find him. he was going to find him. Everything was going to be fine, or would it be?

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