*the quell begins*

Depuis le début

The walk only solidified the fear more, from the plane to another desolate room, with Foie as she stripped you of your clothes, forcing you into a suit. One that was a similar fabric to home.

Black and silver. With intricate sleeves. You assumed to give you warmth, maybe protection.

"I'd assume tropical, nice and sunny." Foie muttered as she adjusted your sleeves, her hands tightly clenching on your shoulders.

"Hard to find water.." you murmur, frowning heavily. Foie only rubbed your shoulders.

"Sixty seconds to launch."

Foie let go of your shoulders, gently stepping away from you. Her hands clasping in front of her.

"I know I'm far from Tigress but, I hope you liked my work thus far this game." She smiled wearily, her nails tapping against each other. You did really miss Tigress. You missed her so much despite the little time you'd known her.

You only could shake your head. Giving her a small smile back. "No, you did amazing.. Cheer for me?" You whisper out looking to the glass tube, open ready for you to step into.

She nods, her smile slightly dropping.

"I'll see you on the other side Y/n."

You slowly stepped into the tube, it automatically shutting you in, locking swiftly behind you. You turn to look at Foie, one more time only to see her looking away, slightly misty eyed.

Suddenly the tribute began to move, shaking slightly as it began to creek, sending you upwards. You kept your eyes on her as you arose, trying your best to keep from tears yourself.

The further up you got, the less you could see her, the more you had to look up at what was coming.

You felt your eyes squint, as something sparkled in your eyes.


You were in a water based start. Large green trees, much different from the trees in the last year's game. You were on some kind of rock pattern leading to the centre, the games cornucopia.

"Let the seventy-fifth hunger games, begin."

Your eyes begun to scan the tributes. God where was Cato? You couldn't find him. 

"May the odds be ever in your favour."

You could see Peeta who looked terrified. Katniss who looked shaken, her hands desperately trying to force hair behind her ears. Her eyes were wet, emotion slipping through.


Instantly, not a second later, your eyes met Catos. He looked shaken.


His eyes also seemingly searching for you. Once they found yours, he relaxed slightly, nodding towards the Cornucopia.


Meet him there. That's where you needed to get. You nod slowly, keeping your eyes on him. He took a deep breath, an intense look took over his face as he eye'd the cornucopia again.


You could see Finnick also had his eyes on the Cornucopia, nodding towards you as you met eyes. As you began to search the cornucopia with your eyes you felt yourself tense up.


two tridents.

Perfect. They were so close too, not far from your position. If you could get them you were set.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant