The interview of a life time.

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The next morning, you went to training bright and early, working consistently, harshly all day. With Finnicks voice forcing you to go even harder.

You were exhausted. But this was your last shot. Your last chance to be even more prepared. As you sparred with Finnick, constantly being knocked to your ass by him annoyingly.

"Get up. Come on." He'd call over and over again, readying his form holding his trident tightly as you pushed yourself upwards.

You could see Cato in the corner of your eye training with his mentor, Brutus. Much like Cato he was huge. Extremely tall and built. And , Who had slammed Cato off his feet a few times with ease.

After the couple hours of training you got, suddenly you were back in the perfumed room, being deeply cleaned and scrubbed, then waxed.

You soon then found yourself back in a makeover room, alone with Tigress, who was nearer the corner sewing and fixing up a dress of some kind.

It was blue, no where near as long or floaty as the one you had been put in for your first ever reveal, but still long. The edges were white, almost bubbling like sea foam as it gradually turned into a deep blue closer to the bodes.

This time tiny fish hooks had been hung around your hips instead of the last time, where nets had been used. If you wear that you risked cutting your hand was your main worry as you watched Tigress work.


"You've done well so far. Getting along with people. Even making nice with the careers. Tonight is your biggest opportunity to appease the Capitol." She murmured as she began to powder your face.

"I don't know if I can." She scoffs powdering your lips, silencing you. "You can. If I like you somewhat, then they'll love you."

You scoff, as she leans down, putting glue onto the large golden eyelashes rim. "Thanks." She only offers you a sarcastic smile back.

Gently she helps you up, removing the dainty blue jacket and slipping you into the dress. It slides onto your form with ease.

"Not bad myself. I must admit." She said coming behind you, beginning to pull and rip your hair as she styled it. You winced slightly, as she gave a particularly harsh tug putting some pearls around certain strands.

"I need to make this my best piece." Tigress suddenly spoke up, causing you to try and look at her.

"Why?" She only shakes her head. "You're my last tribute I get to style." You could feel your eyes slightly widen.

"What? Why? You're brilliant?" You say astounded. She only sighed, her hand coming to her cheek as she finished.

"Snows choice I suppose. I'm not as pretty as I was."

A knock suddenly sounded on the door interrupting any further conversation. "Yes?" Tigress called.

"Get her out here." A man's voice snapped, before heavy footsteps stormed away. A peacekeeper you'd assume.

"Off you go then, I'll watch your interview, and hey." She took your hand, stopping you before you could step through the door. "Flickerman? The man who'll interview is sweet. Give him a show and he'll be happy."

You nod taking in the advice as she shooed you off. The minute you took a step, you stumbled slightly. This dress was definitely the hardest to walk in. Carefully you bundled it up at the front beginning to move.

As you turned down the hall, your eyes caught with Catos as he leaned against the wall. He smirked a little with his hands in his pockets standing up right at the sight of you.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Where stories live. Discover now