Show them what you can do.

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Waiting there for your name to be called felt like agony. You were sat inside a hall, next to Ethan. He was scared, more so then he had ever shown back in the apartment.

Even despite Annie and even Finnicks attempts at soothing his nerves.

Every tribute was there sat with their partners, or in their allied groups in the careers case.

Currently, Marvel had entered the room. Glimmer, who had just been in had been sent back to her apartment.

You could see Cato sat, mansplain with his arms on his knees. Clove at his side sat up right. Her lips pulled into a tight line.

She was almost nervous looking. Out of the four careers, she was physically the weakest.

Catos eyes met yours, watching you take in everyone's appearance. A small smile cracking on his face.

He had no nerves on him whatsoever. He looked calm for the first time. No anger, no frustration. You wished you could be like that.

"Clove Kentwell." The same female robotic voice called.

Instantly she was on her feet, rushing towards the entrance to the hall. You didn't know how anyone didn't have to be dragged in screaming.

As she went in Cato stood up, walking in front of your bench. "Doing good there fish girl?" You frown, glaring up at him.

"Fine." He lets out a huff. "You're gonna use the trident right?" You nod. He looks away for a moment. "You'll do fine. Better then have the people here." He shrugged.

You roll your eyes. "Thanks." He only smiles sarcastically. "You're welcome."

After a long five minutes of silence, Cato was called in. He turned back to look at you, giving you another wink, before going into the hall.

You turn your attention back to Ethan who was staring between you and the wall in surprise. "If anyone else had spoken to him like that he'd have ripped them up or threatened to come time to fight..." he whispered leaning his head on your shoulder.

"Guess I'm just lucky.." you whisper back, wrapping an arm around his shoulders giving them a squeeze.

After an even longer wait. Watching more tributes begin to flood into the hall to show their skills. The robotic voice came again.

"Y/n L/n." You took a deep breath as you slowly rose to your feet. Your attention turned to Ethan who gave you a confident smile, and thumbs up.

"Good luck!" He mouthed, as his hands dropped back into his lap.

As you walked into the hall, immediately your eyes were drawn upwards to a large, purple lit room. Full of fancy looking people.

You shook your head. Don't let that be what nerves you out. Instantly your eyes then fell to an array of weapons, all lined in up on the same station as their training sections.

Your eyes found the trident, and you quickly reached down, picking it up. Your eyes returned to the people up on the top, as you stepped forward.

"Y/n L/n. District four." You called out, your grip tightening on the trident as you felt your hands begin to clam up.

One of the men nodded towards you. A glass of topped up wine in hand.


You turned from the men to where four dummies stood. The same ones from practise. The ones you have taken down before. The room was silent in anticipation, waiting to see what you would do.

You began to move, you swung your trident hard, slamming it through the dummies head before ripping it clean off.

You can do this.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Where stories live. Discover now