*the first day of training*

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Watching Johanna walk off, disappearing around the corner made you suddenly come out of your frozen state.

Wow. No wonder she was friends with Finnick. Quickly you turned on your heel, looking towards Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch who still, stood with their jaws somewhat open, Peetas eyes bulging.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow at training?" You ask smiling as you pull on Catos arm guiding him to the doors of the elevator.

"Yeah." Katniss said, her arms now crossed. Her face looked somewhat, angry as she eye'd Peeta. Maybe she was jealous? Of Johanna's comment to Peeta?

...no Katniss isn't like that.

Peeta offered you a tight lipped smile and a nod, his eyes flipping to Katniss through the corner of his eyes, nervous under her harsh gaze.

You offer a single hand wave to Haymitch, who only nods his head as you enter the floor with Cato. His hand is still firmly holding onto yours as you both go towards the door labeled, four.

Your 'flat' was Much bigger than the floor previously given to you in the year before.

Despite it being on the same floor as the tributes from one, two and three it's still ginormous compared to it.

Hell the entire building was huge. It wasn't separate from the training centre like last year, but instead had it built underground.

Cato keeps a hold on your hand as you entered further into the room, pulling you both down towards the sofa. He collapsed with a slight grunt. The clothes he'd been shoved in shifting. You fell nearly onto him at the sudden pull downwards.

"Careful." You huffed, leaning into his side, bringing your legs upwards to rest on the sofa. Cato only rolled his eyes scoffing under his breath, wrapping his bicep around your neck bringing you close enough to press a kiss to your head.

"I can't believe you volunteered." He murmured leaning away. You look towards him, his face had softened. He looked vulnerable. Worried.

"I did it for Annie, she wouldn't have coped." You said leaning down to press a kiss to his hand resting on your shoulder.

"It was stupid to do, god Y/n. You're too reckless. Too kind." He snapped slightly. The hand you'd kissed coming to your cheek.

"Annie helped me, if she went? And Finnick? Finnick would have died saving her, and she would have died by her own hand if he'd died." You snap lightly.

He only hummed. After a long moment of silence he spoke up. "Promise me, you'll stay away from the two from one? Gloss and Cashmere. And Enobaria." He murmured.

"They're the career pack this game. Going for everyone is the strategy they're using." He added on, his grip still tight on you.

You nod. "Did they ask you?"

"Ask me what?" He said looking down at you again.

"To join them, be a career again." You murmured, turning, slightly escaping from his grip.

"Enobaria did. I said no." He said firmly. "Where you go in the arena, or who you're with? I'll be there." His hand went to your face, gently fiddling with the jewellery stuck to your cheeks.

You only let out a small sigh. Of course he had. He'd never leave you.

"You know I'd follow you anywhere too. You're all I have here." You murmur, leaning your head against his.

You really weren't surprised he'd said no. Especially after everything that has happened in the past year. He isn't naive anymore. He knows what the rest of Panem goes through.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Where stories live. Discover now