🔴 See you again

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"I don't understand why I have to marry someone you have to approve of?" You said, confused.

"Because I said so!" Kylo told you, getting into your face.

This had been a very long argument you two have been having all night. One moment, your father is talking about plans then the next it was a screaming match.

Kylo wanted to use you for some sort of gain from a neighboring plant system for the First Order. Aka, marring you off to one of their generals. That was striking the argument.

"I won't. I don't care." You muttered, ready to storm off to your room.

"Don't close that door." Kylo huffed, taking a stance at the end of the hallway.

You turned to glare, thinking of the best decision. Close it, more yelling and screaming. Keep it open, more 'talking' which is code for yelling and screaming.

"I don't want to marry anyone. Not some general, not a king or prince of some planet. I don't want to do that." You told him again, but it was going to deaf ears.

"This is not a discussion. It's happening." Your father snapped, coming closer to your room entrance.

"You are to marry the commander of their army, whether you want to or not." He hissed in your face, slamming the door to your room.

It took about two minutes before you broke down crying into your bed...

Time Skip

You were taking a look at the somewhat empty room. It wasn't too empty, only things missing were clothes and shoes. Other than that, your childhood room was still there.

Lots of tears had been shed, and your eyes were red and puffy. But it was time to go get married. You were just 17...

You felt a big, rough hand touch your forearm and tug it a little. It was Kylo, he was gently pulling you out of the room.

To you, it was a blur. The next thing you knew was you boarding a very large aircraft, which wasn't the first order. It was the planet you would be living on for the rest of your life.

You kept your head down, even then Kylo was talking to you. Even when he softly apologized and begged for forgiveness. You didn't reach as another new hand-pulled you away.

You took a glance at your father, his helmet and his black armor on, he just watched as you left.

Then the next couple of years went back. The 'wedding' was a very small ceremony. You didn't have the dream wedding dress you hoped for, instead, it was the clothes you showed up in.

Your father wasn't there, and you were genuinely scared. You got to your new home as your new husband immediately left to do his tasks.

For the next couple of years, you had children. Your first child was a boy, and you were around 18 when he was born. Then the next child was a girl, you had her when you were 19.

But the last one was very different. He was a boy, and unfortunately, you lost a lot of blood. Your son came out fine, but you got sick. Very sick.

For the next couple of months, you were on bed rest. You kept getting sicker and sicker, it seemed like no medicine was helping. You wanted to see your dad... it's been years...

One day as you were stuck on bed rest, he came in to see you. He wore the same uniform when you last saw him, so it was like no time had passed.

You were somewhat paler and skinnier, sicker. It took a lot of energy to just look up at him. He knelt, cupping your face.

"My heart..." Kylo said through the mask, his voice so soft. It was like cracking through the mask.

"My daughter... so sick... you need to come back home now... to get better. The First Order has the mechanics that will make you better." He kept going on and on, as you took deep breaths.

"Why did you have so many children? You needed to wait... Already three children." He scolded lightly.

Finally, he took off his mask. His hair was longer, and he looked somewhat older. Kylo didn't waste time and placed his hands back on my face.

"Such beautiful children, I do say. Very adorable and promising futures." He said softly. You remembered his voice so well... it hadn't changed.

"I do miss you... why couldn't you visit? I would have had a little place just for you... and the grandchildren..." He muttered, caressing your cheeks.

"Now... it's time to go home again." He stood up, placing his mask back on. You barely had time to react, as some loud beeping went off.

Kylo was getting even more worried and scared as he shouted at people, but you were just at peace from seeing him again. You got tired.

Kylo Ren One Shots (Father figure)Where stories live. Discover now