🔴 Sandy

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The landing was rocky as you were shaking slightly next to your father. At age 7, this was your first 'field trip' you got to go on.

Or your first mission. However it was said, it was still scary for you.

The light flickered a lot as two stormtroopers stood talking next to you. They were higher-ranking officers but still scared you.

If it made you feel better, they could barely see you in those helmets.

Your father stood the tallest, his black armor and robes standing out against the white. Except you.

Your little outfit was much like his, except you didn't have a helmet. It didn't looked scary at all.

The loud noises from outside were terrifying as the ship landed with a loud thud, the doors opening...

Your father walked out, you right behind him. Then the two stormtroopers behind you. The sandy air of the planet getting into your lungs, making you stifle a cough.

A quick hand gesture made you stay at the shuttle, watching as Kylo Ren kept walking to a very old man.

Your father and the old man argued as Kylo passed around in front of him. The only reason you were there was to 'take notes' as your father called it. To get practice when you are older.

The area that got captured by the First Order had lots of people as prisoners, and most of them were scared. You could feel their emotions through the force.

But, as you watched, Kylo raised his lightsaber, killing the man.

It scared you a lot as the people started to scream and yell in fear. Their emotions were a lot to handle for someone so young like you, and you couldn't help but start to cry...

It showed weakness. Weakness from the future ruler of the first order, and a weak girl that is the daughter of Kylo Ren.

The next thing you know is that a man gets tackled, and your father is beckoning you over.

Of course, you listened to your father and matched over as you wiped your eyes. He grabs your arm roughly when you get closer.

The man is forced on his knees as your father watches.

Kylo crouched as well, much like he did when you were younger. He tilted his head, mocking.

"So, who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" The men asked, which caused you to chuckle.

A sharp pain hit your ear, a pinch. It was Kylo, scolding you silently for the slight joy from this man.

"The old man gave it to you." The scary voice of Kylo Ren spoke, it being distorted and twisted.

His helmet made it so he could sound super scary and 'unrecognizable'.

"It's just very hard to understand you with all the..." the man said, waving a hand in front of his face.

Your father stood up, looking very intimidating again.

"Search him," Kylo stated.

"... apparatus." The man was pulled to his feet roughly, getting a pat down.

You stood behind your father, looking down. This was all so scary to you still, and so hard to watch.

The stormtroopers didn't find anything and held the man tightly by the arms.

"Put him on board," Kylo told them, dragging him away as he watched.

You watched too until Captain Phasma arrived, and you looked back down.

"Sir, the villagers?" She asked.

She was scary as well, being almost the same height as your father. Maybe taller.

She was a shiny silver storm trooper, with a cape and a more high-tech gun. She never talked to you or wanted to. It wasn't her job.

You still stood behind your father, as he answered.

"Kill them all." He said.

You gasped a little, quickly closing your eyes as blasters of the stormtroopers loaded up. You started to cry again...

"On my command," Phasma started.


You jumped a little, starting to shake and turn away from the loud noises of the blasters.

Your father grabbed your arm, pulling you with him as the sounds stopped. You still cried a little, sniffling and shaking.

He turned to look at someone but didn't care. Kylo kept walking as a loud blast went off behind you.

A short, yet upsetting ride was ahead of you, as your father yelled at you for showing weakness and tears.

Kylo Ren One Shots (Father figure)Where stories live. Discover now