Chapter 4

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I had awoken in a claustrophobic room, many people surrounding me. Was this the dead, have I reached the heavens? I wanted to pinch myself, but my arm did not listen.

"She's alive! LYRA CONELL IS ALIVE!" A large plumpy man shouted. His voice made all the people in the room jump for joy. What had happened?

"Yall, shush, she's probably wondering what happened. Lyra, after you were stabbed in the gut, we revolted. All the people in town were devastated, we thought you were dead. So, we took a stand, we jumped on the guards and fought them tirelessly. Just like you wanted us to." A young woman remarked softly.

"HE'S DEAD! The Grand Councilor is gone, gone for good!" A man in the back shouted, his hands waving left to right.

"Our country is saved!" I heard one say, several people nodded their heads, some cheered, some commented on other details.

My people had taken a stand, embraced the truth, and most importantly revolted. I am Lyra Eloise Conell, and I have defied the rash dictator, spoken up, survived being stabbed in the gut, and I have freed my country from the melancholy it was drowning in.

This is the environment I wanted my children to live in, a country of possibilities, a country of freedom, and a country of hope. Goodbye Grand Councilor, rest in remorse, and pain! Goodbye evil, you will never win, ever!

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