Chapter 1

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I watched the white, cozy ceiling of my bedroom, making me want to ruin it. My phone vibrates, as soon as I checked it, another text from my friend, Caitlyn, "You comin'?" at her birthday party, filled with cool people and rich teenagers. Me and Caitlyn have been friends since middle school, well, she's a nepo, her father was the principal of our school, Summerhill High School and a former movie actor, and her mother was a former YSL model, and I don't know why she choose me to be friends with. However, her mother was approved of me being her friend, and they're nice, but her father doesn't have any good guts of me because I'm a guy and he doesn't like her daughter to be friends with guys. I rolled my eyes, and typed, "Yes. But I don't know what to wear?" I put my phone down to my chest, I stared to the ceiling, again.

As soon as I put my little heart out, Caitlyn replied my text, "Do you have silk outfits? Just wear one of 'em."

I checked my closet, I saw a silk terno pyjamas and a red velvet silk long sleeves, I called her. As it was ringing, I was checking my things in my closet. Well, she answered, "I have red velvet silk long sleeves?" I told her. "Then, wear those, faster! This party wouldn't be perfect without you!" She squeaks on the phone. "Okay, I'll call you after, okay bye" I gave her a blow kiss on phone. I took the long sleeves, then wore it over my white sleeveless shirt, tucking it in my pants, then I took the Vacheron Constatin pink gold wristwatch she gave me, on my birthday. As I wore them, I heard a honk from outside the house, fronyard. I immediately walked down the stairs, as I was wearing my Versace necklace, it keeps honking, "I'M COMING!"

As I open the door, I saw a black Porsche, frontyard. I walked over, closer to the car, the window opened, it got me startled. I was anxious at the time, I saw the driver but it wasn't Caitlyn, and I don't know this guy, he's new to my eyes, he's not the driver, either, "Hop on!" His voice is so gentleman and deep, he was wearing white long sleeves silk from Louis Vuitton and he's wearing a John Hardy bracelet. As soon as I entered the car, he started driving so fast.

My heart was beating so fast, I'm trembling, I bite my tongue and pinched myself, he turn to me, "Hey, relaxed," he said, relaxed. Woah. I haven't heard any voice like that, it was angelic, he looks at me like I was going to heaven, his smile is so adorable and I looked at his hands, holding the steering wheels, it was veiny like Henry Cavill's in his twenties. He keeps driving, I going to passed out, I'm going to passed out. He played a jazz music to make me relaxed, "You'll love this artist!" He said, he sounds nice and joyful, his English accents is making me feel okay. It was satisfying to my ears. Now, I feel comfortable with him now, but I didn't talked to him yet.

A few minutes, we finally got to Caitlyn's house, it was awesome, so many expensive cars parked outside, "Thanks for the ride," I said to him. "No. It's fine. Actually I'm going inside, so I can get to her," to who? I was stunned for a seconds. "No, I'm meeting someone. Thanks." I turned around.

"To, Caitlyn? I can take you to her, she told about you and she said to me to escort you, if that's cool for you?" He gave me his hand. Right now, I'm grabbing this opportunity. I took his hand, his hand was fucking cold and smooth. Am I holding a cotton? Or is he taking me to the altar, this is it! I found the one. He took me to the crowd, everyone is dancing with luxury outfits. While he was looking for Caitlyn, I stare at him, the time started to slow down, he was fucking tall, I guess he's 6'3 because I'm 5'11 tall and I was just his shoulder height.

"Oh, here she is!" He pulled me, "Caitlyn, here's your VIP," he bowed down.

"Oh shut up! Zarkyle!" Oh that's his name? Damn, it's giving fantasy name. They're both laughing and hugging. Caitlyn pulled me in, "Hey, I would like you to meet my favorite cousin, all the way from London, Zarkyle Walker!" Well, Caitlyn you tried you're best to speak with an accent.

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