Chapter 6

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Precap: Sid slept in sitting position being frustrated.

After sometime, Sid woke up with a jerk hearing someone's shouts and screams. He literally jumped down the bed and was shocked seeing Abhi fully covered in sweat and tears, shivering badly and screaming for help. Sid understood that it was a nightmare. He quickly hugged Abhi inspite of being pushed by Abhi. Sid rubbed Abhi's back to bring him in present.

Sid: Shh...It's gone, Abhay. It's gone. Breathe, Abhay. It's just a nightmare. You are safe, Abhay.

After few minutes, Abhi calmed down. He opened his eyes through which tears were flowing endlessly. Sid rubbed his back and caressed his hairs to assure him that he is safe and not alone. Though Abhi was calmed down, he was still shivering a bit. Sid kept on rubbing his back until he was totally calmed. Sid cupped Abhi's face and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Sid: Abhay, it's just a nightmare. It's not real. It's...

Abhi (cut him off): No. It is real. It had happened. It is real. We...I...lost... It is real.

He again broke down in Sid's arms who engulfed him in a warm hug. Sid rubbed his back.

Sid: Ok ok. It's real. It had happened. You know...

He was enterupted by a knock. He sighed and went to open the door. He opened and found Vaishneet. He let them enter and then locked the door again.

Vaishu: How are you, Abhi?

Avu: Abhi, why are you crying?

Sid: He had a nightmare.

Vaishneet: What!

Abhi flinched due to the shout and crawled back in fear. Sid and Vaishneet saw it.

Vaishneet: I'm sorry.

Sid (softly): Abhay, do you think us as your friend? Do you trust us enough to share anything? Have we gained your that much trust?

Abhi: Yes you have, Arth. I trust you all more than myself.

Sid (softly): Then will you share your nightmare? Will you share yor past with us?

Abhi started to panic hearing past. Some bitter moments started triggering his mind. He was drowning in his thoughts, shaking his head left to right.Sid saw that and held Abhi's hand tightly, preventing him from getting an anxiety attack.

Sid (softly): Abhay, do you want to get rid of your nightmares?

Abhi (shuttering): Yes

Sid (softly): You know, they say, 'If your dream was scary or traumatic, it can be beneficial to your mental health and well-being to discuss it with a trusted friend'.

Abhi: W-will it help me?

Sid (softly): Yes Abhay. But for that you need to be a strong boy and share your past with us. Will you? 

Abhi thought for a minute or two and nodded in yes. Sid and Vaishneet smiled. Vaishneet settled down on the chairs with Sid beside Abhi ensurring him that he is with him.

Sid: Good. Now listen, no need to hurry. Take your time and then tell. Don't stress yourself. Ok?

Abhi nodded. He started taking deep breathes.

Abhi: 10 years back, on today's date i.e. 13th July, 2023....

Flashback in next chapter. Flashback is in 3rd person's POV. Will try to post soon. Till then bye.

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