Chapter 4

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Sid called Vaish and told them that he has taken Abhi in college clinic Here, nurse prepared an injection to calm. Abhi's racing mind.

Nurse: Siddharth, please hold him. He is not in his senses and shivering a lot. This may lead to injecting on wrong place.

Sid nodded and held Abhi who got scared and started struggling in his grip. But Sid tightened his grip and started saying soothing words in Abhi's ears. Abhi was somewhat relaxing hearing sid. Nurse took it as a chance and injected Abhi on his arm, who flinched when the needle touched his fair skin. His eyes were tight closed and he was shaking his head left to right. Nurse took out the needle and softly rubbed Abhi's arm, who was whimpering in pain. Sid rubbed his back and was about to leave him when nurse stopped him. He looked at her confusedly.

Nurse: One more to be given.

Sid sighed and again gripped Abhi. Nurse rubbed cotton on Abhi's second arm and injected him, who yelped in pain. But as soon as the nurse removed the needle, there was no sound or movement of Abhi. Sd saw him and found him to be fallen in deep slumber. He looked at Abhi with teary eyes. Till then Vaishu and Ave too had come They saw Abhi and gasped seeing his condition. Abhi's face was red. His eyes were swollen, nose had become puffy. His face was covered with tear stains. His hairs were messy. Sweat had formed an his neck and forehead. Their eyes welled up seeing Abhi in such condition. Nurse came back with some tablets.

Nurse: Where do he live? You know who is his family? Please call them as I need to talk with them about his health.

Sid: Sister, actually he is an orphan. He lives in hostel. You tell his condition to me. I'm his best friend and also his roommate. I will take care of him.

Nurse: Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't knew it. Siddharth, actually he is reliving some past. some incident is bothering him. Maybe some drastic incidents took place on today's date and someone made him remember them so he behaved like that. His mind was out of control. He needs to share his past, as if he subsides it in his heart, it will haunt him forever Here are some medicines. Give this to him before and after his  breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Nurse told Sid about when and which tablets to give.

Vaishu- Sister, when will he wake up?

Nurse: Don't worry. I've sedated him to sleep. He needs to rest. Not physically but mentally. He will wake up soon.

All: Thank-you sister.

Nurse: No need to thanks. It's my duty. I'll be back. I've some students to check.

All smiled and nodded. Nurse went from there. Sid sat beside Abhi, holding his hand in his own and waiting for him to wake up.

To be continued...

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