Chapter 7

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Guys, this chapter is written by my Best friend cum story and poetry partner. She had written it in Marathi and I've translated it in English. Though I couldn't give it the same touch of figure of speech which she used in Marathi, for eg. ' गोऱ्यापान मुखमंडलावर वेदनांचे जाळे विणले गेले.' which I have written as ' On his fair moonlight face, there was a shade of pain.' Please forgive me if there are any mistakes. I tried my best to transfer the feelings while we had at time of writing it in Marathi but if I had failed, then I'm really sorry. Let me know your views. Enjoy the chapter.

Flashback in ' bold' and present situation in ' nornal'

That day... That day was clearly flashing before his eyes. Saturday, 13th July 2013.

Abhi: It was the same time as today. 5:30 pm.

Little did that 10 year old boy knew that this evening was going to bring a great turnover in his life. They were out with their parents.

Sid: We? 

(As Flashback is in 3rd person but in real Abhi is telling them, pronouns will change in dialouges)

Abhi: Yes. We. I and my twin. Ashu, my Ashu, my Ashutosh! (Sid and Ashu are different here.)

Tears fell from his eyes remembering that name. He shivered more. His friends consoling him.

Vaishneet: Speak up, Abhi. Don't be quiet today.

Sid: Yes Abhay. Gather all your strength and vent it out. Just share it instead of hiding.

But as he remembered that name, he stiffened. On his fair moonlight face, there was a shade of pain. Tears were continuously falling off his eyes. His lips, heart held only one name and his eyes held only one feeling... Ashu. His Ashu. It felt like in his memories, words were stucked in Abhi's throat. Even if he tried hard, he was not able to utter a word. He was so focused on His Ashu's thoughts that all his surroundings had went quiet for him. He was so engrossed that he himself didn't realised when he spoke those words that broke the other three's heart.

Abhi: How should I wipe off that memory or should I wipe of my mere presence? For which purpose am I still alive? What is my use?

Sid: No Abhay. Don't say like that. You are the reason of everyone's smile. Dare you say that again. I'll not talk with you. Abhay, we are with you. You're not alone. Mostly you're safe.

Last 3 lines penetrated through the chaos in his mind. He came into his senses and diverted his gaze towards Sid which was till now staring the floor. Abhi's eyes said it all. Sid replied as if knowing what the look in Abhi's eyes meant.

Sid: I mean it, Abhay. You are safe with us. Trust us and share it. It will help you only.

Finally gathering all his courage, Abhi took deep breathes and continued speaking further.

Sorry for small chapter. But I want to write the flashback a little big and in parts.

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