🩸Predator (pt.73)🩸

Start from the beginning

I huffed, "Can I go to the bathroom first?"
"You've never had to go before," he rebutted.

"Are you stupid or something?" I hissed.

He gave me a shake and I glared at the ceiling.

"We still go, we just don't go as often as humans," I argued.

That was a lie, obviously. Vampires didn't go to the bathroom at all. There wasn't any need to when all the blood we consumed went directly to fuel our bodies. When blood was such a thin substance, there wasn't any separation of nutrients.

"Fine," he grumbled.

Seriously, how hadn't I come up with this sooner?

He led me down another hallway and shoved me into a dingy-looking restroom, and surprisingly, there were actually stall doors. This must've been a separate staff restroom because all the other humans who had been locked up for whatever reason had their own toilets in their cells.

He set me on the ground.
I peered down at the cuffs.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"What about it?"
"Have you ever tried to piss when paralyzed?"

He grumbled again and unlocked them, then shoved me into a stall. He held the handle on the other side so it was closed.

Now I had to wait. Around three minutes, earlier if I was lucky.

By the time thirty seconds had passed, he gave a harsh bang on the door. "Seriously, are you done yet?"

I found it amusing that he was in such a rush. Maybe he expected me to be, as well. In a rush to be tortured.

"It's kind of hard to wipe my ass when my arms don't work yet," I fought back.

That made him shut up.

Finally, I got feeling back again.

I tried not to break down crying on the spot as I waved my fingers and shook out my arms.

Letting out a relieved sigh, I now knew I had to figure out how to get enough energy to commit a massacre.

Biting into my arm and feeling strange with only one fang, I drank my own blood.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

I wasn't even exactly sure if it would work or not. Technically, my blood was just an ultimate mashup of all the people I'd killed or bit over the years.

The first person I had to face was the big guard outside the stall door, to which, whether I killed him or not, would probably call a bunch more in.

"Hurry up," he snapped.

I let the small bite mark heal, which it did very slowly. Only one puncture.

The knot tightened, and I took a deep breath.

I had to kill someone now, with one fang and little energy in me.

But since I was such a predator, it would come easily.

I thought of everyone who they'd taken from me. Ivy, Melanie, Theo. I thought about that woman who had killed Marine.

How much I wanted to strangle her, rip her heart out of her chest and drain her.
My blood boiled. Only figuratively this time.

I flushed the toilet just because I thought it was fun, and I opened the stall door.

"Finally," the guard said.

I used my anger. My built-up anger at my mother, my father, that woman, anyone and anything I could think of until I was fiery with rage like a hot volcano.

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