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1 Year Ago

Karina's phone lays motionless on the worn out coffee table. She knows she shouldn't be this anxious but she can't help it. She just keeps staring at it, unblinking. Waiting for something to happen.

"Want some water or something?" Winter calls from the kitchen.

Karina glares at the phone. "No."

"Maybe some cereal?"


Winter sighs. "Any dinner? At all? Ever?"

"No, Snickers. Can't you see I'm busy?"

Winter groans, and Karina can hear her rolling her eyes. "She's not going to call you tonight. It's after six."

"So what?"

"So work hours are over. Nobody gets offered a job after six PM. It just doesn't happen."

Karina continues staring, not wanting to give in. Working at the front desk of a hotel has been...exactly what you would expect. The only reason Karina ever stayed in her job was really because she couldn't think of anything else she wanted to do. But after observing, and maybe accidentally helping with the planning of a few hotel hosted events, she very surprisingly found something she loved even more than hospitality. Event planning.

And the universe is on her side, too. Giselle's girlfriend, NingNing, actually took over her family's event planning business and Karina applied for her open, entry-level position the second Giselle told her about it. She doesn't know NingNing very well, despite the fact that she and Giselle seem to be getting pretty serious. So, really, she doesn't know what she'll think of her in a professional work environment. She probably can't rely on Giselle's word either because...well, Giselle knew her when she was still basically wetting her pants. So no matter how many times Winter says, "Oh my god, Karina. You'll be fine. There's no way you won't get it." Karina can't help but feel like she probably won't get it.

NingNing said for her to expect a call, mid-week. It is Wednesday. Literally the middle of the week. Karina runs a hand down her face and continues staring at her phone. She sees Winter approaching her out of the corner of her eye. Winter sits down next to her on the futon. Karina immediately smells something fruity.

She turns her head a little aggressively towards Winter and sniffs again. "What is that? What are you eating?"

"Fruit Loops," Winter says, smirking a little. "Oh, sorry. Did you want some? You said you were busy."

Karina scowls at her. Then she scowls at the bowl. Then back up at her. "Fuck you."

Winter laughs loudly and she ignores it, turning back to her phone.

"Karina, please relax," Winter says, still grinning. She leans forward a little to get a better view of Karina's face. "You've been at it for two hours. Don't you have to pee?"

Karina remains scowling. "She'll call while I'm in the bathroom. I know she will."

"No, she won't."

"Yes, she will, Wintrer! And we both know it!"

Winter sighs defeatedly, eyes scanning over Karina. Karina glances at her. The expression on her face is sympathetic.

"Okay, alright," Winter says gently. "If you're not going to move then...I guess I'll just wait with you."

Karina lets out a breath. "Thank you. Jeez."

Winter leans forward so that she is in the same position as Karina; elbows resting on her knees and chin resting in her hand. They sit side by side and study the inactive phone on the table in front of them.

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