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Olivia woke up the next morning feeling very ill. She felt like getting sick, but she ignored it and got around for the day. After taking her shower and getting dressed, Olivia slowly moved from her bedroom and checked on Charlotte before going downstairs. She smelt her fiancee making breakfast, which led to her stomach cramping and her want to get sick increased. 

"Olivia?" a voice spoke, as Olivia stood at the bottom of the stairs and took slow breaths. Olivia opened her eyes quickly and saw her mother standing there.


"Hey, kid. Uh, I made you breakfast. Amanda told me you haven't eaten in a while, so I made something easier for you to eat. Do eggs and toast sound good?" Serena asked as she leaned against the kitchen doorframe.

"Am I dreaming? You wanted nothing to do with me, and now you are standing here. Mom-"

"I called her, Liv," Amanda breathed, as she walked from the downstairs bathroom.

"Why? You hate her," Olivia huffed.

"Yes, I do. But I'm willing to work through that hatred so you and the babies can have her," Amanda replied.

Olivia eyed Amanda for a long moment before walking towards her mother. Serena pulled her daughter into a tight hug before kissing her cheek lightly.

"Do you want to talk to Amanda? I can go-" Serena started.

"No, Mama... It's okay. We can talk later. Right now, I need to eat and so do the twins. Will you join me?" Olivia asked as she smiled tiredly at her mother.

"Of course, kid. C'mon."


Olivia barely spoke to her partner that morning, but she had to face her at work. 

"Alright, I think I'm done," Amanda spoke, as she walked through Olivia's open office door. Amanda was incredibly behind on paperwork, so that was her focus for the day.

"Okay," Olivia replied, as she reached her hand out to Amanda.

"Do you need to look them over or-"

"I can look them over once you leave," Olivia interrupted, her glasses slipping down her nose. Amanda loved it when Olivia looked over her glasses, but she saw anger in Olivia's eyes instead of love for her. 

"Liv, can we talk?" Amanda asked as she passed her paperwork over.

"No, we can't talk. Right now, I'm your boss."

Amanda sighed deeply before turning and closing the office door. She proceeded to close the blinds as Olivia demanded to know what the hell she was doing.

"I'm your fiancee, Olivia Benson. I know you aren't happy with me, but we aren't flushing our entire relationship down the drain because you won't talk to me! Olivia-"

"You made decisions for me that should have only been mine to make! Serena is my mother, and I have struggled for so long with the demons she created... But she's better now. There are still things we need to fix in our relationship, but that doesn't mean you can decide if I have the right to fix that relationship. You alone fucked our relationship up," Olivia spat, as she stood slowly and placed her hands against her desk.

"I cannot believe you are angry at me for trying to protect you and our children! Sure, you can fend for yourself, but our babies can't!" Amanda huffed.

"You aren't protecting us, Amanda! You didn't even give her a freaking shot before deciding that she was the anti-christ! So unless you want to get transferred, I'd get the fuck out of my office and give me time to cool off!" Olivia yelled.

Amanda rolled her eyes and stomped towards the door, before turning back towards Olivia.

"I should have moved back to Atlanta."


Olivia was pissed off the entire day, which was not good for her or the babies. After Amanda went home that night, Olivia fainted in her office from the stress. Fin hadn't left yet, so he called an ambulance and went to the hospital with his friend. 

"What's happening?" Amanda asked as she walked into the emergency room. Fin and Dodds sat together as they waited for news about Olivia.

"She fainted or something in her office. I found her on the floor behind her desk," Fin replied softly, before scrubbing a hand over his face. He had heard the fight, so he blamed Amanda for what happened to Olivia. 

"Sir, what are you doing here?" Amanda asked slowly.

"Fin called me. I got here as fast as I could," Dodds replied. Amanda nodded before sitting a few seats down from Fin and their boss. 

It took a while for anyone to come out and ask for Olivia's family. Amanda didn't know if Olivia even considered her anything anymore, but that didn't stop her from standing to get an update on her fiancee or ex-fiancee.

"Olivia is resting right now. Her blood pressure was elevated and her blood sugar was low. Luckily, she didn't land on her belly and the twins are doing well. We are going to keep her overnight for monitoring before releasing her."

"Can I see her?" Amanda asked the doctor.

"Of course. Follow me," the doctor replied. Amanda and Fin followed closely as Dodds made a few calls. Before Fin would let Amanda into the room, he grabbed her arm and stared her down.


"You need to leave her alone, Rollins. I heard what you said to her, and it's stressing her out. Especially after talking about going back to Atlanta," Fin warned.

"Stay out of our business, Fin," Amanda replied.

"No, you don't get to act like a bitch to Olivia and expect to get away with it. I know you were my partner, but she's my best friend. I will protect her no matter what and throw you under the bus the first chance I get. Do you understand? You are being a complete idiot, especially since you think treating Olivia like crap after she took care of you and loved you when no one else would."

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