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Olivia was barely awake when Amanda entered her room. She was sore and felt so embarrassed for having fainted and needed to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. 

"Hey, Olivia," Amanda spoke softly as she walked into the room. Olivia slowly turned to look at Amanda and frowned instead of smiling.

"What are you doing here? Isn't it almost Charlotte's bedtime?" Olivia asked.

"The sitter agreed to stay later and watch her. I think it's pretty important that I be with my fiancee and babies right now," Amanda replied as she made her way to Olivia's bed. When she got close enough, she let her finger trace over a large bruise on Olivia's arm.

"We are fine, so there is no reason you need to be here. Fin or my mom will bring me home tomorrow," Olivia sighed.

"Olivia, c'mon. After what happened tonight, don't you wanna talk about us?"

"Is there still an us? I thought you wanted to move back to Atlanta. You will take our daughter and I'll raise the twins by myself. You wanted to leave before Charlotte was even born," Olivia grumbled.

Amanda frowned deeply as she sank onto the hard plastic chair beside Olivia's bed. She looked down at her hands and slowly spun her engagement ring around on her finger.

"I never should have said that to you, Olivia."

"Kinda can't take it back," Olivia sighed.

"I know, but I wish I could. We are in love, Olivia, and I know we have both made mistakes... Mostly me as of late, but we are still a great couple. We can go to therapy and fix things between us. I'll start working past my feelings for your mother so that she can be fully involved in our lives. Charlie needs you, and so do I," Amanda breathed, her eyes never leaving the beautiful engagement ring that Olivia had given her months prior.

Olivia closed her eyes and leaned back against her pillows, her hands moving slowly to her swollen midsection. She always wanted to be a mother, but didn't feel confident enough to pursue becoming one until she and Amanda got together. She lacked the confidence to do a lot of things until she fell for Amanda. 

"I will agree to therapy," Olivia spoke.


"I will go to therapy with you," Olivia replied. Amanda looked up quickly and smiled at her fiancee.

"Thank you, Olivia. I'll start looking for one and we can get our relationship back on track."

"Amanda, are you going to apologize for what you did? You know how I feel about people who choose to move forward and forget what happened instead of making things right," Olivia spoke.

"Olivia, I am incredibly sorry for hurting you so badly. I'll even apologize to your mother for how I treated her. You and our children are incredibly important to me, and I don't want my dumbass behavior to ruin what we have built together."

"You are mostly forgiven... I just need more time to cool off. So can you go home? Charlie has a hard time falling asleep at night when we aren't around," Olivia breathed. Amanda stood quickly and nodded, before turning to walk out the door.

"Amanda!" Olivia laughed softly, as she looked at her fiancee.

"Yeah?" Amanda replied.

"I think you forgot to say goodbye to me," Olivia smiled weakly. Amanda smacked herself on the forehead before walking back to the bed. She leaned down and kissed Olivia's forehead softly before caressing her cheek for a long moment.

"I love you, Olivia. I'm so sorry that I took what we had for granted."


Olivia was released the next morning with nothing more than a few bruises. She and the twins were doing better, and Olivia was ordered to rest for the remainder of the week to ensure she didn't faint again. Serena picked her up, and they drove silently back to the house.

"How are you feeling?" Serena asked as she draped a blanket over her daughter's lap.

"I'm good, Mom. I just need to eat more since my blood sugar was not doing great yesterday," Olivia replied.

"Are you sure? Yesterday must have been scary," Serena breathed.

"It was scary, especially since I went through so much to get to this point. I don't think I'd ever get pregnant again if I lost the twins because I fainted and landed on my stomach," Olivia replied. Serena nodded slowly as she sat beside her daughter and hesitantly reached her hand out to touch her belly.

"This was all my fault, Liv. If I hadn't come back around, you and Amanda wouldn't have gotten into a fight and you wouldn't have fainted. It all comes back to the shit show that is Serena Benson." Serena frowned deeply. She wasn't sure if she'd ever feel better after assisting in the trouble happening in Olivia's relationship.

"Amanda and I never discussed how our life would look like if you or Beth Anne were involved. It isn't your fault that we got into a fight, and it never will be." 

Olivia placed her hand on top of her mother's before smiling when Serena looked at her.

"I cannot wait to watch you be a mother. I've seen you with Charlie, but it has only been for an hour, tops. You are going to do amazing as you move from one baby to three," Serena whispered.

"Would you like to be there?" Olivia asked.

"Be where?" Serena questioned.

"At the hospital when I have the twins. I hope I can avoid a c-section, but if that happens, Amanda will be in the room with me. However, if I get to have the babies like I want, you could be there with us."

"Oh, Olivia... Isn't there someone else you'd rather have there? Like a friend or something?" Serena asked.

"No, Mama. I'd love to have your support when I have the twins. It would mean the world to me, especially since I never expected to have mother-daughter experiences with you, but now we can."

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