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Anastasia was jolted awake by a piercing scream. In a fraction of a second, she had analyzed her surroundings and had grabbed the small pocket knife she kept under her pillow. 

"No, please. Don't." Annabeth whimpered in her sleep.

She shook her awake. Her eyes were filled with tears and she looked around, finally registering that she had a bad dream. She threw her arms around Anastasia and buried her head in her chest as sobs shook her body.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here." She whispered while soothingly stroking her hair.

"It felt so real."

"I know, I know. Now tell me what it was." She kissed the top of her head.

"Alexandra was in college. And there was an explosion and she got hurt. She had to go to the Hospital, but the ambulance they took her in was not a real ambulance. Echidna kidnapped her and she took her somewhere to torture her. She said that she would hurt her the way she hurt her children. But then you and Luke arrived to save her. Luke fought the chimera while you went to help Alexandra, but the chimera hurt Luke, badly. You were about to sacrifice yourself when you woke me up." She looked up at Anastasia, her cheeks flooded with tears.

"Alexandra is alright. I promise. We'll send her an Iris message tomorrow. It's late, we should go to sleep."

"Can you stay with me?" Annabeth asked her with a small voice.


She let Annabeth snuggle under the covers and protectively wrapped her arms around her. The single bed was a little small, but she managed to find a comfortable position. She felt her sister relax in her arms.

Anastasia waited for sleep to take over, but her eyes stayed open. She knew Annabeth had a dream, and that it was all that it was. Right? She tried to convince herself. When she had nightmares, she couldn't recall them with as many details. It almost felt like an omen, but which nine-year-old had omens? Did their mother send them a message? But why would she send it to Annabeth? Why not send it to Alexandra or anyone else from the cabin? That had to mean that it was simply a dream.

Everyone has nightmares. Even Annabeth. Even her. Time passed quickly, and before she knew it, sun rays were starting to enter the room, warming it up.

An hour later, Annabeth started waking up.

"Hey, do you feel better?" She asked her.

"Yes. Thank you for last night. I feel better, but I'll feel best when we call Alexandra." The younger girl replied.

"Breakfast is not going to be for another hour. Go take a shower. I find that it helps clear your thoughts." Anastasia told her, ruffling her hair.

As soon as Annabeth left, she made her way towards the library. She knew who Echidna was. And even if Annabeth just had a nightmare, it made her realize that she did not know a lot about the mother of all monsters.


"Coffee." She watched as her cup filled with the hot brown liquid.

"Rough night?" Luke asked her.

She looked at Annabeth, who was busy devouring her pancakes. "Annabeth had a nightmare." She said in a low voice, not wanting her to hear. "I'm worried it may not have been a dream."

"She has a good imagination. I'm sure it's nothing." He replied in the same voice.

"I know. It's just a feeling that I can't seem to shake off."


She was hanging out with the other cabins at the Lake. The water was cooler, but still hot enough for them to swim.

She had almost forgotten Annabeth's dream. They were throwing a frisbee around. Suddenly, her eyes grew heavy and she collapsed.

Luke was standing a few feet away when he saw her fall. The water was fortunately not too deep, allowing her to quickly get to her and hold her head out of the water. She had seemed fine a few seconds ago. He took her back to shore and yelled at another camper to go get Chiron. He listened for a heartbeat and checked to see if she was still breathing.

Annabeth kneeled next to him. She was shaking partly from the colder air, and fear. She also did not know what was happening, and he didn't know how to reassure her.


Anastasia stumbled forward and looked around her. The lake had disappeared, along with the campers. She instinctively reached for her sword, but realized she was weaponless in her bathing suit.

"Anastasia." She turned around, noticing the woman that was standing there. She had armor over a white dress. Her grey eyes seemed to pierce into her soul and the owl on her shoulder looked like it read her every thought. She recognized her almost immediately.


If the Goddess was surprised by her choice of words, she did not let it show. "Yes. I am Athena. Your mother."

"What do you want?" She meant for her tone to be cold and confident, but she couldn't hide the small hint of admiration and surprise. 


The pieces of the puzzle started to assemble in her head. "You're the one who sent that nightmare to Annabeth. Your own daughter. How could you? Do you know how scared she was?"

 "I know. I tried to contact you before, but you were not asleep. The message was not intended for Annabeth. Your mind blocked the message, and it was delivered to her by accident because she was next to you. There is something important I need to tell you. It is why I asked Hypnos to make you fall asleep." Her tone commanded respect and Anastasia couldn't ignore the fact that it felt like a mother reprimanding her child.

"I'm dreaming?"

"Not exactly. This conversation is real, but your body is asleep. Now, Alexandra is going to need your help."

"She got kidnapped by Echidna?"

The Goddess ignored her question. "You will save your sister."

There was a loud rumbling behind Anastasia, making her turn around to see the ground sinking. Before she could react, she fell into the hole.


"There is nothing wrong with her. She simply fell asleep."

"People don't just fall asleep when they're standing up unless they have some kind of disease," Luke replied.

Chiron opened his mouth to reply but was stopped when Anastasia sat up suddenly, panting. Luke placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Hey. What happened?"

"My mother. She asked Hypnos to make me fall asleep because she wanted to speak with me."

"What did she say?" Chiron asked her.

She looked around the room to make sure Annabeth wasn't there. "Alexandra is in danger."

I know the chapter is really short (1,100 words). I'm sorry. It just seems like such a good place to end it (evil laugh). Tell me what you think! I'll see you next time (which should be soon).

Destiny (Percy Jackson FanFic) - Luke x OCWhere stories live. Discover now