Eunhye saw her struggling and reached down, picking up the bag of cat supplies, hanging it on her elbow. Songmin gave her a grateful smile. "Thanks."

Eunhye nodded and beckoned for Songmin to join her in the hallway. "No problem. Now come on, we don't want to keep the others waiting if they're already here." She started walking to the elevator when she paused to call back, "Don't forget to lock the door behind you!"

Songmin re-grabbed the cat carrier—finding it easier to handle now that she didn't have the extra weight of the supply bag—and rolled her suitcase out into the hallway, turning around to lock and shut the door behind her. Trying the handle a few times to make sure it was securely locked, she was met with satisfactory resistance and left the apartment for the elevator.

Eunhye was already loading her luggage into the grey van when Songmin stepped out of the elevator. Songmin joined Eunhye at the trunk of the vehicle and peered into the interior of the van.

The inside was spacious, with a big, half-filled storage area and three rows of seats. The third row was empty of people. Chattering could be heard from the second row. A head of dark green hair turned around in the driver's seat in the first row, looking back with a hand set on the backrest of the passenger's seat. It was Mark, who made eye contact with Songmin and gave her a wave. Songmin returned the gesture.

"Need any help back there, babe?" Mark asked Eunhye, speaking rather loudly so that his voice carried all the way to the back of the van.

Eunhye shook her head, setting the bag of cat supplies on top of her suitcase and picking up Songmin's luggage. "I'm almost done, I just need to fit Songmin's stuff back in here. Thanks, though." She lifted and fit Songmin's grey suitcase between her black one and the van wall, giving it a shove to ensure it was secure. "Great, that 's the luggage taken care of." She turned to Songmin, who was still standing beside her. "I'm guessing you'll want to keep Bbongie up front with you?"

Songmin nodded, shifting the weight of the carrier from one hand as Bbongie shifted inside. "Are any of the guys allergic to cats, though? If they are, it might be better to leave Bbongie back here so that she's farther away."

"I think only Jeno and Donghyuck are, though their riding with Chaeyoon in the other car." Eunhye shut the trunk door and made her way to the passenger's seat, opening the side door for Songmin in the process. "If you want to sit with Bbongie, you'll have to sit in the third row. Otherwise, you're free to set Bbongie in the back row and sit with Chenle and Jisung in the middle row."

Acknowledging her words with a quiet hum, Songmin shuffled to the open side door. She paused upon seeing the two sitting in the second row, squabbling over something on the gaming switch in Chenle's hands. There was something different about them, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Then it clicked.

They dyed their hair too.

Chenle's hair was shot through with bright red streaks, contrasting his naturally black hair color and his milk-pale skin.

Jisung's hair was less eye-catching but still noticeably different; his normally very dark brown hair was now completely golden brown, the color of dalgona candy.

Out of nowhere, Bbongie meowed loudly and moved around in her carrier, almost making Songmin drop her at the sudden change in weight. Bbongie's meow caught Jisung's attention and he looked up from the gaming console. 

"Songmin, you're here! Let me help you," he offered, leaning forward from his seat to help Songmin hoist Bbongie's carrier into the back row of seats, then extending a hand to help Songmin get into the vehicle. Since the step up was quite a bit higher than that of the usual car, she accepted his help and, pulling on his hand for support, she pushed herself off the ground into the van. 

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