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"Are you sure you're not already being overworked?"

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"Are you sure you're not already being overworked?"

Songmin took a slow sip of her green tea, scrunching her nose at the taste. She'd never really enjoyed tea, it was just marginally better than coffee and her taste buds had gotten bored after she'd restricted herself to only drinking water during senior year of high school. "Yeah, I'm fine. My professors have been starting us off surprisingly lightly and the few proofs I've written recently aren't beyond what I can handle. How's psychology treating you?"

Eunhye shrugged, tracing her finger through a small puddle of water that had pooled under her iced tea. "After a month of doing basically nothing, I feel like I'm back in high school. I do regret having to switch from a full time job to a part time job, but I'm definitely not disappointed to finally get to take classes I actually want to take. Speaking of jobs-"

She reached into the handbag slung over the back of her chair and pulled out folded paper, offering it across the table to Songmin. 

The younger girl took it with both hands and unfolded it, setting it on the table away from Eunhye's drink. It was a flyer for a music shop, with the name 'Koi Record Store' displayed in the middle. Cassette tapes, records, and record players lined the edges of the paper, as well as many musical instruments. The words 'EMPLOYEES NEEDED' were printed in white ink near the bottom.

"You've mentioned needing a part-time job lately, so I figured maybe a music shop wouldn't be such a bad place." Eunhye pointed to some tiny print on the flyer below the store name. "It says right here they're looking for a part-time cashier." 

Songmin opened her mouth, about to protest, when Eunhye held up a hand to stop her. "Now, before you complain about how being a cashier requires 'too much social interaction', the shop was empty when I walked past. It's located in a small neighborhood a walk aways from our university, so they don't get very many customers. It's just something to consider."

Although she felt the need to object—some deep part of her simply didn't want to take up a job despite knowing that she needed to sooner or later—Songmin just folded up the flyer and slid it into the messenger bag beside her chair. "I'll look into it."

Eunhye, seemingly satisfied with that answer, took one more sip of her coffee before standing and slinging her handbag over her arm. "Are you ready to leave? I'll drive you back to your apartment."

Songmin looked down at her watch, which read '21:12'. Seeing the palindrome made the girl smile. The insignificant, curious thought that the cafe was still open this late at night popped up briefly in her mind before it was swept aside.

She also stood, picking up her bag and lifting the strap over her head to rest it on her shoulder. Her teacup shook when her bag bumped against the table, the little bit of tea left already cold. "It's getting late, I don't want to keep you from going home."

Eunhye shrugged as the two walked out of the cafe. "It's the least I can do since I got here ten minutes later than I told you I would. Besides, I enjoy driving at night."

She wasn't the only one. Songmin happily watched the stars pass by outside her open window as Eunhye drove, enjoying the cool spring air on her face.

Normally, she couldn't see the stars very well since she lived in the city, but the cafe was located in a suburban area outside of the city, where the light pollution was still present but to a much lesser degree.

It was also quiet, very quiet. A quiet Songmin often longed for but rarely truly got to experience. 

"I met someone yesterday."

Eunhye's sudden comment surprised Songmin. Despite being quite an extroverted person, her best friend typically also liked to bask in the silence of a night time car ride. "Met someone?"

"Yeah." Even in the darkness, Songmin could see red starting to spread across Eunhye's cheeks. "Spill."

A moment of silence passed as Eunhye slowed the car, flipped on the turn signal, and turned onto the road which would take them into the city.

"It was right before my Korean literature class. I had gotten to class early and was sitting in the empty lecture hall when a guy walked in. He was really cute, so I waved at him. He waved back, which I suppose is perfectly normal, but then he came and sat next to me. Not in a creepy way, he looked really friendly, and I didn't really mind."

She paused as she slowed to a stop at a red light. No longer able to see the stars, Songmin turned her full attention to her friend. Eunhye's eyes stayed on the light ahead. The light turned green and she accelerated the car to a safe cruising speed.

"We started to talk and I feel like we really hit it off. Surprise, turns out he's a music major."

She chuckled and Songmin smiled. Both girls knew that Eunhye had a thing for people who played music. Her one high school relationship had been with a pianist, and lord knows how many hours she had spent ranting to Songmin about the cute violin girl or the hot drummer boy. "We talked all the way until class began. Turns out we actually have a lot in common. He even gave me his number."

Her eyes sparkled in a way Songmin had only seen when she'd begun dating the pianist and it warmed the girl's heart. She truly loved seeing her closest and oldest friend happy. "You're going to text him, then?"

The car pulled up to the parking lot of the apartment building in which Songmin lived. Eunhye slowed the vehicle to a stop in front of the building door. "Yeah, I think I will."

"Let me know if you guys make any progress. Good night unnie, and good luck."

"Thanks, Songie. Don't stay up too late tonight."

Kind of a short and boring chapter, I know

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Kind of a short and boring chapter, I know. But I promise (sort of) the story will get better soon. No nct members yet, but they're coming. Overall this will be kind of a more chill story, so if you're looking for an exciting fic this may not be for you, but I hope you enjoy!

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