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As soon as the professor finished reading out the homework assignment for the week, students shoved their things into their bags and rushed out of the classroom, eager either to finally stand after two straight hours of sitting or to leave the cla...

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As soon as the professor finished reading out the homework assignment for the week, students shoved their things into their bags and rushed out of the classroom, eager either to finally stand after two straight hours of sitting or to leave the classroom for more appealing pursuits than silently listening to a professor lecture about how to correctly word a paragraph proof.

Songmin took her time, putting on her headphones, sliding her laptop into her messenger bag's padded pocket, and leaving after everyone else were long gone from the classroom, bowing goodbye and uttering a quiet, "Thank you," to the professor on her way out.

She had no need to rush. Her next class was in thirty minutes and she didn't have anything better to do before then.

Putting on some soft R&B music, she wandered the hallways in the general direction of her next class, a compulsory literature class that math majors needed to take by logic of needing to improve their mathematical communication skills.

As she walked, she allowed her eyes to wander, scanning the posters pointed to various bulletin boards. Prized chemists, the greatest discoveries in physics, robotics club advertisements, math competition flyers.

The bulletin boards grew less frequent and soon she entered the Visual Arts building, the building which bridged the gap between the STEM center and Literature and Philosophy building.

She slowed her pace to more carefully look at the pictures and sculpture arranged on the shelves lining the hallway. Although Songmin herself had never been particularly talented in the fine arts, she appreciated the beauty that could be created through drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture.

Despite having a very prestigious STEM program, the university certainly did not lack in talented artists and art professors. Many of the pieces displayed showed amazing technique and bold expression of ideas, whether through color or imagery. Songmin found herself stopping for a few seconds in front of a few pieces, taking time to admire some of them up close.

She'd just stopped to admire some beautifully shot and framed photos when suddenly a body barreled into her. The force knocked her off balance and she fell to the floor, almost crying out as the side of her body hit the floor, her elbow taking most of the impact. Her headphones clattered to the cold marble floor and stinging pain shot up her arm, causing her eyes to water.

The person who'd come crashing into her had also fallen but was on their feet in a second, rushing over to Songmin. "I'm so sorry, I was in such a rush to get to my next class and I totally didn't see you!" They offered a hand out to the fallen girl who took it gratefully, wincing as her elbow stung sharply.

When Songmin finally got a good look at the person, she had to stifle the urge to gasp.

Standing before her was one of the most gorgeous men she'd ever seen in her life. His face was perfectly structured with a delicate nose, clear skin, and a pair of stunning dark brown eyes, every one of his features perfectly proportioned to match with the others. His brown hair was just long enough to reach his eyebrows, which themselves perfectly complimented his eyes. Songmin marveled at how nature could have produced a person with such a mathematically perfect face.

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