Gwen: thanks guys!!

Gwen: youve been really helpful <3

Gwen: going out soon, ill speak to you guys later!!

Izzy: byeee!

Bridgette: bye! and good luck!

Gwen: thanks! 🫶

Gwen is offline

Gwen's pov

I'm really scared right now, like what if she says no? I'm trying to convince myself that she'll say yes, but the idea still stays in my mind that she'll say no..

I'm standing at the door waiting for her and she enters the hallway. God, she looks beautiful, even if she's only wearing a hoodie and some leggings, but in my eyes she is true beauty.

I had told her not to dress up into anything major, so she must have some kind of idea where we're going.

"You ready?" I ask her as she approaches.

"Yeah, I am," she says with a smile. She takes her house key out of her pocket and unlocks the door. "After you."

I take a step outside. The sun is currently shining, but there's that feeling in the air when you just know it's going to rain.

I turn around. She locks the door and turns toward me. I start to walk away from the house and she follows closely behind me. Soon she is walking beside me, and we're talking about something or other.

The whole time I have one thing on my mind: will she say yes?

Soon we arrive at the field, and she recognises it instantly.

"Oh, I remember this place! I loved it here when we first went, why haven't we been since?" she asks, talking fast as she looks around.

"I don't know.." I say quietly, also taking in my surroundings. I can't lie, it is beautiful out here. Maybe that's why I chose this place, because it reminds me of Courtney.

(sorry i had to add that cheesy asf line..)

Not long after arriving it starts to rain. I kind of forgot that it was going to rain. I put the hood of my hoodie up, Courtney doing the same with hers. Neither of us had brought an umbrella with us, not even Courtney, who's basically the most organised person you'll ever meet.

We follow a path made by people frequently walking over that area, and this path is not disappointing. It leads us to some of the most gorgeous looking places, like fields of flowers and that.

In one of these flower fields, I pick a red rose from the ground and hold it out to Courtney, implying that I want her to have it, that I'm giving it to her as a sign of how I love her.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you! Though, isn't it illegal to do that, pick a flower from here?" She asks, hesitant to take it.

"I'm sure it isn't, but if it is, I'd go to jail for you," I say, insisting she takes it.

"I don't think you could go to jail for picking a flower," she laughs, taking the flower.

We keep on going down the path.

Soon we stop at this one slightly raised area where we can see the whole field. It's very quiet up here, apart from the sound of rain hitting the ground.

I put my hand in my pocket and I can feel the box. The box that could change my life. I think about it and decide that I should do it right now.

"Uh, Courtney," I say.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, ask away!"

I pull the box out of my pocket and get on one knee. She puts her hand to her mouth, knowing what's about to happen. I open the box, showing the ring to her.

"Courtney, will you make me the happiest woman in the world, and-" I can't say the words, still afraid she'll say no.

"Marry you? Oh my god, yes!" She exclaims, tears forming in her eyes. Any anxiety is washed away, replaced by relief and happiness.

I stand up and we hug, she kisses me, I kiss her back. When we end the hug, she is crying. I'm hoping that it's crying of joy.

"I love you, so much," she says, tears still running down her face.

"I love you too," I say back, wiping away her tears.
"Now, should we go home now? I don't think we should get sick from standing in the pouring rain right after our engagement," I say, to which she agrees and we walk back the way we came, back home.

When we do get home, we both get a shower (not together though) and afterwards we go up to the bedroom to watch a movie or two. Well, I say one or two, but actually what I mean is we spend the rest if the day watching movies, so quite a few more than that.

Today probably has to be the best day of my life as of yet. I wouldn't have it any other way.

straight up just gonna say i hate this chapter!!

imo its so bad
like idk but i started writing it ages ago the last few paragraphs are from tonight (or this morning.. its half one in the morning or sum..)

anyways so i also tried to make the last paragraphs match the rest of the chapter, aka make them shit, so yay i achieved that alright!

anyways so more coming probably when the ice age starts again 😪😪🥶

1281 words written

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