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Gulf was having lunch with his co-workers when one of the. Decided to ask him something..

"So you are saying that you are living with someone who's a stranger to you but still you guys live happily and one of them take care of your baby as a dadda?"She asked being curious while sipping her tea and Gulf nodded with a smile...

"Yeah we are love eachother a lot... Everyone do work together and we even spilt monthly bills equally... Except for snacks we share everything, not snacks because everyone have different choices and preferences..." He expired and she nodded...

"Can you show us your family picture please?" Another guy asked and nodding he began to introduce each one of them when Ella the mid age women pointed at mew...

"Who's he?"

"He's Type's father i mean this guy's own father and everyone consider him their father too..." He said and she smiled scratching Gulf's hands...

" Is he single? " She asked with a grin and Gulf just frowned...

" He's but he's not into older women mam" he said laughing teasing the lady and the lady rolled her eyes and spanked Gulf's head...

"He's also older .. we are a good match" she said smiling and Gulf just shook his head smiling back...

At night Mew came to pick Gulf up and as soon as he walked out Gulf tried to hid him back...

"Why did you came out?" He asked gritting his teeth...

"Oh actually I want to buy some bread because I made maxican onion soup and they all ate all the bread... " He explained and was moving towards the grocery stores when Gulf held his hands.

" Stupid go inside the car" it was too late the lady already came glaring at Gulf...

"Oh hi Gulf... You are still here... Btw who's this guy?" She asked and mew looked at her and his eyes widened...

"Ella you?" He said and the lady smiled looking at him...

"You know her? I mean how?"

"She's my c..."

"I m her childhood bestfriend... We use to be boyfriend girlfriend and then he broke my heart and moved away... That's why I told You to introduce him to me... Thanks for letting me meet my long lost lover... M i right baby? " She asked smiling and smiling back Mew nodded as he knew she's just teasing Type... Ella is actually Mew's own cousin and Ella got shocked when she saw Gulf was the one whom Mew was talking about after seeing his picture...

"Oh right... You must me very happy mr. Mew... I hope you spend your night well... Let me go" he snatched away the keys and began to go away angrily when Ella laughed holding his hands...

"I was just joking... I m Ella suppasit... Mew's own cousin... We share the same blood..." She explained and Gulf looked at them with wide eyes and suddenly realised that they actually look same...

"Anyways by hubby is here.. byee byee baby" saying that Ella immediately left and mew was just alone with Gulf...

"I hate you" saying that Gulf just gave him the keys and sat down in the car... Confused Mew went to grocery and bought few packets of bread and a cone of icecream...

Sitting down beside the guy he offered him the ice cream and still glaring at him Gulf accepted it...

"Why are you angry? It's not that you are my boyfriend... You already said you don't date older people... So if you have any beautiful colleague of my age then do tell me"

"Yeah yeah offcourse... Why would I be fucking angry? Why am a fucking stupid to think you have some feelings for me.. I m Stupid to think that you can love a mad guy like me... I m fucking stupid to think that you can love an ugly guy like me"

" First I agree that you are little bit stupid "when Mew said the first sentence the guy began to hit him gently looking annoyed

" but I indeed have some feelings for you... I can definitely love you and you are definitely not ugly... You are the prettiest person I have ever seen and why would I make special breakfast, lunch and prepare your clothes, fix them ... Do your bed,take care of you and moreover massage your head and legs so that you fell asleep smoothly... Why would I do that? I don't do these things for other people... Not even for my son"He said and it began to rush something inside Gulf's heart and he was just little bit blushing so the guy turned around to another side...

But then he came back to into reality and wanted to make things clear...

" I can't like you back Mew... I don't know I feel good that you like me but don't expect anything from my side and even if it happens at any moment of time, I won't be able to date you because eventually I can't show the world that I m dating a guy almost twice my age and moreover a guy who's not even earning... I can't I m sorry..I know I m being selfish but now I have to" he said and Mew just chuckled lightly...

"I understand and that's why when you asked me to marry you when you were little bit unstable I said no..I like you infact I almost love you and want to have a wonderful future with you but I also understand that you are young and you have right to explore and look for your future.. I m not even earning enough so when one day you leave i can't even provide for you that much... I definitely understand and I don't expect anything... I just want you guys here with us... Yeah once you decide to marry anyone... You can leave but right now please stay.. I want to take care of my both babies and you too... Because you are weak too not mentally but physically you are..." he said and with guilt Gulf just looked away

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