preggy baby

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It was midnight when Mew woke up and looking here and there he went inside Gulf's room and saw him waiting for him...

Smiling he placed the box Infront of him and looking at his favourite icecream and food Gulf smiles widely and immediately Hugged him sitting on his lap...

"G-gulf sit properly"

"Thankyou so much Mew Mew.. I love you" he said kissing his cheeks and The guy just smiled awkwardly looking here and there... Finally after eating all the food Gulf wiped his face he pulled his shirt up and tapped his tummy...

"Mew Mew let me rest" he said and sat down on Mew's lap facing the wall....

"Hold my tummy..." He said holding Mew's hands and put it around his big tummy while the other guy was just breathing heavily... He can neither yell at gulf nor push him because Gulf is very sensitive guy, he's clingy to Mew and is considering him his bestfriend...

"G-gulf behave... Can you please stand to" he asked and smiling Gulf sat down properly and held Mew's hands...

"I-i-i know I m mad but I want to ask you something" Gulf asked being little bit serious and mew nodded...

"W-will you marry me mew Mew?" He asked and mew shook his head...

"I-i-i m sorry Gulf... I-i-i already told you I can't.. please understand... I can't marry you" he said and Gulf just smiled sadly...

"I know it's because I m crazy and pregnant that's why you don't want to marry me right? I heard some aunts saying the same thing at grocery store... I-i-i know because I m crazy that's why you always push me away right? " Gulf asked wiping his face again and again and mew felt bad and pulled him back on his lips wrapping his (Gulf's)legs around him...

"Nope it's because this baby didn't came out yet... Once you give birth to this baby I will marry you, as i m a Buddhist i have to settle a date and then ask lama for a suitable date and it takes a lot of preparation that's why" he said just to make him happy, it's not that he doesn't like Gulf but he's not certain about his feelings and even if he gets married to Gulf it won't matter because Gulf is not stable right now... He's just doing it for fun and eventually he (Gulf)will forget...

" Thank you Mew Mew.. kiss me" he pouted his lips and holding him Mew wasn't actually going to kiss him when suddenly Type entered and saw him..

"I-i-i m sorry... I-i-i" he shook his head and immediately ran away... Mew just bit lips cursing himself and smiled looking at Gulf who was still waiting for him to kiss him...

"Sleep stupid baby" he tapped in his lips and told him to lay down...

"Sleep beside me please" he pleaded so with a sigh he laid down beside him and Smiling gulf held him keeping his tummy on the big pillow which Mew bought while Mew was hugging him from back when the guy spoke...

"M-mew Mew you think I m crazy but when I say I want to marry you, I m serious... I-i-i really want to" he said Pouting his lips and mew nodded smiling at him...

"I agree baby now please sleep" he asked so giving mew a kiss on his cheeks the guy finally fell asleep.
Today Mew was little bit annoyed because Gulf was just annoying him a lot by clinging more to him and even he had his limits and gulf really took it to a height...

"Just go... Leave me Gulf i don't like it" he yelled Pushing him gently.. it was just a shrugg and looking at him Gulf began to cry and hit Mew again and again...

"I-i-i hate you"

"Yes go hate me... Don't come here and don't talk to me... I tell you enough is enough, why are you so clingy.... I-i-i don't want to cross my limits... Can't you understand i understand you aren't stable but I know you understand what's wrong and what's right but still you are doing it to annoy me" he yelled and the guy stopped crying and silently he left his room and never came back...

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