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Type's pov...

My name is Type thiwat son of Mew suppasit the retired commander in chief and now I m the head general of defence services...

I was on a mission for past 5 years to get into kirigun's house and collect all the evidence... Because although my father Mew already knew that they are the actual threat and are involved in major drugs and sex worker supply but as i came here pretending to be a sex worker... I unfolded many truth and came to know that they are the reason of childcare massacre where many young kids were shot dead and it was done by Anna to divert the attention from Tharn's rape case where the victim got all the evidence but then all the attention went there and Ben successfully killed the victim's whole family...

A/N-: Tharn mentioned it about the girl in bet chapter... But Tharn isn't aware of all that...

The whole family is filled with so many crimes and when I came here as I gathered all the evidence I was playing safe because miss merry is here from past 7 years and even she had collected evidence but getting actual evidence was hard because We had to get in touch with this evil guy tharn and hopefully he fell in love with him.. i never felt any emotional confusion but with him i did felt something...

At last we convinced moon and showed him all the videos and all the proof and it helped us to gain this kid's trust...

As Tharn was trying to run away I was just threatening him but he wasn't stopping so I shot him twice on his shoulder....
We got a clear signal from my dad and finally we captured their house and all the evidence, all the kids ,people were free of their trap and now  it was Tharn's turn...

"One evidence is enough for us to kill him and you are saying you don't have single one with you? Just one Type " my dad asked glaring at me and I just looked down...

"I don't have any sir... I apologise" I said looking down ... I know  that he was involved with them because I myself saw him paying money and talking with the drug and kids supplier...but neither I or dadda got any evidence against him so we can't "

"Then we can't kill him we will just arrest him... Go put him behind bars" department head general lady said and nodding Oliver took Tharn to medical custody...

" Now everything is good" I sighed i don't know i wasn't happy with this ending but still it's the final ending now...
Before leaving the country I wanted to meet that guy.... although he's a criminal but I actually feel bad for him...
Asni went inside the cell he didn't reacted much and was just sitting on the chair ..

"Although you deserves to die but still you are alive just because I didn't got evidence but wait for the day... Pray to god I never get any evidence because then you will be dead... 3 years is just too short for you... I badly want to kill you but... I think destiny is with you" I said and he began to laugh...

"Not even your god can kill me... no one can kill me and wait for me to get out of this cell... First I will kill your brother then my brother and then you... I will fucking hurt and will kill you in worst way possible" I went near him and punched him hard on his face and this guy began to laugh which made my anger worst and i punched him again...

"I m waiting for the day to meet you again baby... don't forget to give me pain like you are going to suffer behind the bars" he smiled wiping his blood looking evil..

I held my heart and walked out of there... I was scared... I was very scared but hopefully today I m leaving this area... I mean not me but my dad with blue moon is shifting to my hometown while I will stay here because I have to serve here for 7 more years in this area as a cop...

I m glad at the end all the villains suffered but at what cost .. at the cost of my heart .. during this whole battle i somehow lost myself, my heart to a guy who's the villain of this story,I fell for the person whom I actually hated the most....

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