11 - Spring Grove Asylum: Armand And Lou

Start from the beginning

"I agree! We must continue discussing a plan to get you both out of here," Arieshell spoke with a tone of authority.

"Shh!" Armand whispered, lowering his body and gesturing towards the guards. "We don't want them to hear us!"

Jacques heard one of the twin guards readjust their gun. He gulped in anticipation of an order to hold their hands up. To his relief, an unexpected demand had been requested.

"You aren't going to be released unless you let me and my brother join you for freedom," ordered Soliel.

Gus hastily got in between Jacques and Soliel and glared at the blonde-haired man. Jacques could notice his first mate's eyes. Gus's demeanor exuded an overwhelming sense of control and protectiveness.

"And what makes you think we can trust you?" Gus growled.

"Gus!" Jacques yelled as he yanked Gus behind him. "What has gotten into you? Whatever happened with my father, they had no involvement in this matter. They are innocent and free of any guilt or blame."

Jacques looked at the young man. He stood frozen, his arms limp and shaking, eyes filled with tears. Jacques could only share an apologetic nod to Soliel. As Jacques consoled Gus, he faced Arieshell, Belle, Armand, and Lou.

They shared puzzled and frightened glances. When Jacques regained his composure, the air in the room became cold. The candle caught his attention and caused him to raise his eyebrow. With a clever smirk, Jacques realized he devised a plan.

Jacques observed the flickering flame twirling delicately among his partners' chatter. Do we need a plan? He pondered the concept. Ever since he was a young lad, Jacques understood his struggle not to be spontaneous.

However, he was on the sea most of his life. Jacques grew fond of his unpredictable nature. On the contrary, citizens from the Upper to the Working Class viewed him as deranged and unhinged..

Arieshell's sweet melody snapped Jacques out of his ever-going thoughts. From that point, he knew exactly what he needed to accomplish.

"Jacques are you alright-"

"Hush!" he demanded. Jacques glanced at Soliel and then at Armand.

He harshly grabbed the candles and pierced them with a haunted expression. "Why do we need a well-thought-out plan if this place is already crumbling?"

"Jacques! Are you nuts? We can't possibly-"

"Yes, we can! Look at this place! It's barely clinging to life and I suspect it won't hold on for another year or two."

Jacques witnessed Armand clear his throat. His muscles tightened but his lips stayed shut. His skimmed Jacques, peering into his soul.

"We need to sort out a plan! We need to contact for backup," instructed Armand.

Jacques swiftly pounced on Armand and slapped him across the face.

"Wake up man! Who cares about a stupid plan."

"Jacques stop!" Arieshell demanded, "We just needed to know the exit points and get the patients out of here."

"I agree. Lune and I were born in this place. We know every guard and patient. We can convince them to help us," explained Soliel.

"That could work but it is not foolproof yet. Are you confident they will cooperate?" asked Armand.

"On the other hand, it can! We can act by putting you and Lou back in your cells. However, I am sure this plan is bulletproof," added Lune.

"We have to try Armand. They are our only hope," expressed Lou.

"Fine! But what does Belle think?" he asked.

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