7 - The Plan

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Arieshell sat at the round table with a glass mug in hand. She couldn't help but have her mind wander. What's father doing? Is Abijaim upset with me? Is Father furious? Those three small questions kept repeating themselves over and over again.

They were in Belle's attic. The space had been unexpectedly spacious and cozy. Arieshell noted to herself that someone had been up here a lot. Given the soft chairs and the pampered pillows, she concluded either Belle or someone else made this their second home.

Arieshell watched Jacques placing a big map on the table. She studied his facial expression. He looked so enthralled at his actions. She smiled and sipped on her tea. It had a minty flavor and tint of an ingredient she couldn't recognize.

"Oh! Am I interrupting?"

Arieshell turned in her seat to find Belle in the doorway.

"No, please join us," she greeted.

Belle bit her lip but gradually walked up to the table. She moved the chair and took a seat. A sorrowful feeling overwhelmed Arieshell when she glanced into Belle's sad eyes. Belle's past still had been a mystery to Arieshell, but she knew Belle was hurting deep down inside.

"I meant to ask you what this one was. What's the liquid?" Arieshell questioned, lifting her cup.

"It's peppermint tea. It's my second favorite drink," replied Belle.

"What's your favorite?"

"Hot Chocolate."

"Oh, that sounds good."

Jacques smiled while hearing their small talk. He felt glad they we were getting along. Belle needed more people to converse with. Although she was beginning to open up, he sensed that Belle was still cautious and guarded. Jacques couldn't reprimand her.

Jacques's gratitude for Arieshell's enthusiastic attitude toward befriending his timid and fragile cousin made him more attracted to her. Still, Jacques remembered Arieshell's siren roots and how Maurice treated her and reacted.

He shrugged it off. Jacques was only being paranoid and overthinking. If she were going to use her siren voice, she would have done it already. Right?

"Jacques. Jacques!"

A man's gruff voice called out to him. Jacques glanced over his shoulder to discover Gus gripping it.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes," he paused to find Belle and Arieshell exchanging glances, "I was in deep thought. I apologize."

"It has been a long day. Why don't we rest?" Arieshell suggested.

"Yes, Father should be back at any moment," stated Belle.

Jacques nodded his head, "You're right. We will reconnect ourselves tomorrow."

"I have pillows and extra blankets in that chest over there," exclaimed Belle as she pointed to a dark corner of the room.

"Thank you. I believe we have everything we need. You can go back downstairs so your father won't get suspicious," he replied.

Belle's lips curved upwards, but her eyes had a tint of dysphoria Jacques could notice. He recalled a saying he heard once as a little kid.

"People who possess hearts full of love will witness a pain so great they can't bear but to let others feel tenderness and joy."

"I'm sorry. Did you say something?" asked Arieshell.

"I remember something I heard when I was younger, a saying or a quote," replied Jacques.

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