37. Little devil with an angel's face

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"I don't want that."

Yoongi says, eying the sandwich in my hands with his signature blank expression, his hands crossed over his chest as he sits leaning back on a pillow on the hospital bed with his legs stretched forward and crossed at the ankles.

"Then what do you want?" I ask.

"Pizza," he replies. "Go buy me Pizza," he says looking at Tae, nonchalantly.

"Yoongi hyung, you said you don't want the burger from the hospital canteen. So, we went and bought you sandwich from outside. Why don't you want this sandwich now?" Tae asks him frowning, leaning forward from the chair he was sitting on, put beside Yoongi's bed.

Yoongi irritably pulls back the neck of the loose pale blue hospital shirt he was wearing. "I'm not having it. If you want me to eat, then buy me Pizza," he says in his deep voice.

Jungkook leaves a sigh and brushes his hands through his hair, turning around from the window of the room. "Okay, let's go buy pizza then," he says looking at Tae who also leaves a sigh and gets up from the couch.

"Will you at least drink this coffee?" I ask stretching the coffee mug to Yoongi. He stretches his hands and grabs it from me, starting to sip on it. I shake my head, placing the sandwich on the table near the earlier burger.

"We'll go now. Do you want anything else?" Tae asks.

"Get me some normal clothes and get me out of this damn place quickly," Yoongi says looking up from the mug.

"Yeah..the nurse said you'll be discharged soon. Probably we can leave in an hour," Tae says before he walks towards the doors. Soon he and Jungkook exit the room together, murmuring something between each other.

I stand there with my hands crossed over my chest, watching Yoongi drink the coffee for a few moments before taking a seat on the chair Tae was sitting on earlier. Yoongi keeps on sipping on the mug without looking at me.

For some reason, when he woke up today morning at 10 Am, he decided it'd be nice to act like a brat and trouble Tae and Jungkook.

As soon as he woke up, he said he was hungry. Tae soon rushed to the hospital canteen to buy him breakfast. The three of us had already gone to the canteen and had our breakfast before 9. Their burger and coffee were actually nice.

And then Yoongi wanted Jungkook to go ask the nurse when he'll be discharged. But I and Jungkook went together and he didn't like it. When we came back, he was sitting on the bed with scrunched-up eyebrows and arms crossed across chest, looking pissed.

Tae soon came with the burger and coffee but Yoongi said he hate the food from hospital canteen. So, Jungkook and Tae again went to buy him something from outside. At the time, my Mom and Dad called from home, hearing all the shocking news from Tae's parents. So, I was talking with them outside the room until Jungkook and Tae came back with the sandwich and coffee.

Now he has refused the sandwich and has made the two of them go buy pizza. Don't know how he's going to act when they come back with pizza.

"I'm hungry," he says tilting his head and looking at me blankly, stretching the empty mug towards me.

"They'll come in ten minutes," I say grabbing the mug from his hands and placing it on the table.

"Give me the sandwich," he says.

"What? You said you don't want that," I say.

"But I'm hungry and I want it now."

I grab the sandwich from the table, giving it to him. He starts quickly munching on it. "Do you still want the pizza?" I ask.

Secret Hacker✔ [Yoonmin|Taekook]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz