Chapter 11 - Lips with medicine

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May 30

"What kind of person is Mingi?" Dae asked in gossiping tone

"I don't really know " nurse said while taking the girl's blood "He's cool on stage, his performances are unforgettable" she sighed "Well, that's what I heard. Personally, I've never spoke to him. But from afar he looks so hot" she accented last word

"I think he is really clumsy. I spoken to him once and he almost fell, tripping on a weight on gym" Dae chuckled

"No way!" nurse was surprised "He always act like he's so full of himself" she laughed, so did Dae

"How do you feel about Seonghwa then? He's like the opposite of Mingi" Dae was afraid that she was asking too much and that the nurse might feel uncomfortable, but nurse answered willingly

"In my opinion, many people underestimate him, maybe because he is just like all of us. I mean, he acts like he's one of us. He tries to make everyone he talks to, to not feel worse than him. And for example, he came and talked to me normally about you" nurse packed all plasters into a red box with a white plus

"Ohh he talked to you today? But it's morning" Dae was confused by prince carrying

"He came here before I came to you" she said and approached the door "And if you feel awkward with this, don't worry he's always like this. Whenever he have a patients that are somehow related to him, he asks everyday about their health. See you later" she said and left the room so Dae was alone once again

I should go and ask Seonghwa, but what should I say. ‚Hey can my friend come in again?' why do I think it sounds so weird? Gosh, or maybe I shouldn't talk to him, today Yeosang is... yeah it's important day I shouldn't think about myself

"Dae!" San came in unexpected "Wanna go for a walk?"

"Hey San! Sure let's go" she immediately got up


They wandered for some time until they reached a green room. As the name suggests, everything was green, long curtains, stylish sofas, a fireplace and a table. Seonghwa sat next to Yeosang, who was still stressed.

„Good morning" Dae said sitting on opposite couch, San was right next to her

„Hello" Seonghwa smiled to them but it faded really fast "We are waiting for Mings, he's now talking with my dad"

„Yeah and later he will be like ‚Oh why did I do this, it's so embarrassing, why you let me do that?' „ San mocked Mingi's behavior

„Since when has he been talking to him?" Dae asked

„For about 5 minutes, moments before your arrival" prince patted officer's back

„I hope he won't say anything stupid" Yeosang said with his face hidden in hands

„There's no way he can be that clumsy, right?" Dae looked at San

„You never know" he replied „Once there was an award show, he was supposed to walk out cool to take his trophy but" San and two other men laughed „He tried to do a dance move but he slipped and fell" Seonghwa and San bursted out with laughter and Yeosang smiled at them, same goes for Dae

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