Chapter 10 - Approach the heavens

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May 29

Dae woke up normally only to see that breakfast was right next to her. A fruit salad with a cream and cherry on top. It was as delicious as it looked, Dae finished it immediately, she saw some clothes on the chair.

She stood up uncovered the covers and put her feet on the floor. There was a note on the clothes with black text written in a royal, beautiful font. The author of the note was Prince Seonghwa himself, he wrote that he ordered clothes for her so that she wouldn't have to wear hospital pajamas all the time.

How lovely...

The pile of folded clothes included: a white T-shirt with two water lilies on the front, blue wide jeans, and a large black hoodie. Under a chair she saw white weird shoes, they were the same as San's.

She decided to wear it, she went to bathroom to try it on. Clothes were much bigger than she thought but she felt comfortable.


Dae spend her morning with a nurse, she disinfected her wounds and applied plasters. The conversation ranged from complaining about the kingdom to stories about the duel. As it turned out, San was very desired by women, the nurse herself was in love with him.

Before dinner, the doctor took her blood to check whether it had the correct parameters. Then another nurse brought her lunch, everyone left the room so that Dae could eat dinner in peace.

After she ate, she decided to take a walk, sitting in one place all the time is not good. Standing on her feet was easier than yesterday, she could slowly move forward on her own.

Headed towards the gym, girl admired the pictures of young beautiful men and women, the huge silver curtains, so long that they even touched the floor. The carpets on which she moved were red and the tiles were made of ivory marble. The walls were pale, covered with golden patterns, Dae didn't know exactly where to go, she even got lost. Luckily, a maid was passing by, she took Dae to the very door of the gym, and they bowed to each other.

After Dae opened the door and she saw just what she wanted to see. San was hitting the punching bag, looked over his shoulder, and as soon as he saw her, his eyes lit up.

"Hey there~ I didn't expect you here" San said removing his gloves, Dae approached him

"Laying in bed is boring" she stretched her arms and covered her face to yawn "And I wanted to ask you something"

"Me? Ohh~ Go on please" he tilted his head and smiled

"Are you okey? I mean If you wanna talk to me" she tried to sound not worried „Then, I'm here"

San was adoring her for a while with a smile

„Thank you" he said listing his mistakes „I'm not okey, I hurt you, I wanted to stop but I couldn't" he narrowed mouth "If you could forgive me-"

"San, we are friends aren't we? It shouldn't bother you when I already forgave you" she stopped him, grabbing his hands "Understood?"

"Understood lady!" he exclaimed, she let go of his hands which irritated San since he wanted to hold them for some more time "I see you got my gift" he said and looked at the white shoes "How are they?"

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