Chapter 6 - Power is election

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May 20

She woke up in a cramped single-person cell. She didn't have a bed, she was lying on the ground with just one pillow and a blanket. Her head hurt and it was cold, there was no window.

For some time she was laying on her stomach, then she moved on her back, but finally she just sat and leaned against the cold stone wall.

She heard a voice in the distance, getting closer and closer. She didn't care who or  what was it doing what here, she wanted to quickly announce that she wasn't guilty. Finally, a policeman appeared in front of her, he had a cart in front of him, a kitchen cart with many plates with some green thing on it.

"Breakfast" he quickly gave one through the hole in the door, the hole was not too big but perfect for a plate of food to pass through "Enjoy" she went to next cell

Wow looking fancy as for the prison food...

She ate as much as she could but it only made her wanting to throw up.


Some time passed, and she was called to the interrogation room. Two policemen led her from the cell. They led her to a room with one lamp and a table with black chairs on both sides.

She sat down on one of them and waited for about fifteen minutes for an head officer to come in. He entered through the door to which the girl was sitting with her back. She didn't turn to look at him, she waited until he sat down, but at that moment she recognized him as Officer Kang.

"Good-morning" Yeosang said "So Capitain's friend is a... murderer?" he said with asking tone and took some papers out of his bag.

"I swear it wasn't me, I'm telling the truth" she said and placed her elbows on the table to form a triangle with hands

"I'm the one to find out if you're telling the truth." He opened case file and flipped through to the last page, took a pen and started writing. "Tell me what exactly were you doing around noon?"

"I was about to meet with Mr Jongho, but I got lost and stepped aside. Then I saw this crime done by some man. He ran away as soon as I came to her. That's all" she said wishing he would believe her

"Well, what can I say. All witnesses gave us the same story of events and only yours, as the accused, disagrees." he said while placing his pen besides "In this situation I must say, you won't be deprived of freedom" he looked down

"I won't? Then what?" she knew he doesn't believe her but his words still surprised her

"If we don't find any proof of your innocence" he moved away to lean on the chair, clenching his fists tightly under the table. He still didn't look up. "Then there's only one punishment..." he looked up, looked weak, he was all pale. Kang couldn't look her in the eye at first, so despite raising his head, he looked into the corner of the room. "In the kingdom there is one legal rule for such a crime, death for death."

Dae leaned on chair, her eyes become bigger in the way of fear. No luck, such things happened to her only because she doesn't remember anything. But she couldn't give up, she wanted to fight even though she didn't know how, she went with her strength.

"Is there anything I can do to prove myself?" she looked him straight in the eye without breaking eye contact

„If we don't find any trace, I'm sorry" Kang said, but then something came to his mind „But you know what?" he was more enthusiastic which also made Dae like that „Criminals who have long sentences are able to shorten them, all they have to do is join the duel with our champion."

„Duel with champion? What is this?" Dae was halfly confused

"Well, to show your honor and strength, you can face our champion. Fortunately, the fight is not life and death like it used to be, so all you have to do is make him lie on the ground for 10 seconds." he breathed and smiled

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