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I slept for God knows how long. I woke up in Gladish's lap and she was reading another book name 'The Predator'. I know that's the book from where she gave me my nickname 'caveman'. And for fuck's sake I never hated another man more than that Tristan Caine. Oh sorry and there's another one, her favourite Josh Chen and the bookstagram's favourite boyfriend Aaron Warner or that's what she told me.

I always wanted to take her mind from those wild men and keep it to myself but I never tried. Just because how happy she is when she reads her books. The way her eyes shine and her giggles and her genuine smile appears when she reads. Her smile is not always real but no one can see through it. Not me. I can always tell if she's being real or not. She has these tiny things like the way her smile reaches her eyes or the way she can't stop the laugh or the way she looks up and licks her lips more when she's about to cry or when cracks her fingers when she's nervous and many more. What? I might have stalked her so what? She likes a nice stalker romance.

Now that I'm on her lap, I can see her face as she's reading her book. Trust me when I say I've never seen her as happy as when she reads. Her eyes are showing euphoria. A small smile creeps on her face and I want to fucking preserve it in a box or something. She pursued her lips together and eyes eyes are mischievous. I snatched the book from her hand.

She's reading those porn again. Not that I'm against it. She says that there's nothing wrong with girls enjoying a little bit of romance. And I'm all in for that. She tried to get back her book. I sat up and she climbed to my lap to get a hold of her book.

"Why only read when I can re-enact all those scenes for you my love?"

"Because they do it better."

"Uh huh"

That's all I say before I slam my lips on hers. Her hands go limp on both of her sides. I held her by the back of her nape and my other hand is finding its way inside her top. She tastes like coffee, maybe because she drank three cups of coffee. Her limp hands are now in my hair. Gripping so hard that I'm seeing heaven. Like she doesn't want to let go. Like she might die if she loses this contact.

I took her lower lip into my mouth. I bit on it softly earning myself a moan from her. Her moan disappears into my mouth and to my soul. I plunge my tongue inside her evading her mouth. She held back at first but now she twirls her tongue with my own. Her tightly closed eyes showing a lot more emotion.

I slowly pulled back. Her hair all messed up, lips swollen and panting like she ran kilometres. And that's my favourite look of my life. My cock is begging for freedom in my pants. I bet she also felt that as she is sitting on my lap. She looked down to there with fastly blinking eyes.

"Don't look there with that eyes if you're not planning to do something with it." I said.

She pulled herself back from my lap. Fixing her hair. I smiled when she blushed like a little girl.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her.

"Umm... Noodles?"

"Is that all you need?"


"Get dressed to go home. I'll drop you after the meal." I stood up. "Also take that pair of top and pant." I said pointing at the outfit she's wearing.

And with that I disappeared into the kitchen. I made her noodles and arranged the food on the table when she came out from my room. The scent of hers. It's intoxicating.

"Do you always cook?" She looked at me. I am still in my apron.

"Why? Do you have a kink of men in apron or something Moon?"

"That's not it. It's just hot you know." She pointed at me.

"What?" I moved my head closer to hers.

"Men in apron. They're hot. If they are shirtless, that's an extra point."

I gripped her chin ferociously and made her look at me, "Only I should be hot in apron in your eyes mia cara. Don't even think of other men shirtless. If you want I can take my shirt off right now."

"Don't do it- wait, Mia cara? How do you know that?"

"I just know. It's quite popular right?" What? I might have read all the books of her favourite author, so what? It helps me to see that flushed look in her face. So it's worth it. I placed her bowl of noodles in front of her.

"Yeah."  She started to eat it.

"Come to the garage after eating. I'll be waiting there. And don't you dare to wash the bowl. I can do it. Just leave it on the table."

I walked out to the porch.

I waited for some time when she came out the house. She closed the door. Then suddenly she's turning back to open it.

"Can you open the door? I forgot my phone inside."

"Open it yourself. The pin is your birthday." I said casually. I saw her flustered and opened the house to retrieve her mobile. Then came out again. "Hop in." And she got on the back. I started the bike.

Did I mention that I love riding with her? Okay I love riding her too but that's for another situation. This bike is my high and with her behind me hugging me like a koala. It makes this even more addictive.

I stopped at our rendezvous point. She got off. "So on a scale from one to ten, how would you rate the date?"

"Can I answer with something other than words?"

"Hmm? Okay I guess."

She grabbed me by the collar of my jacket and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I never craved anything gentle. But I will never trade this moment for anything else in this world.

She pulled back and smiled. And handed me her new helmet. "Keep it safe with you. This one is my favourite thing in the world. See you then." She walked to her house not even sparing me a glance but I know she's happy. Her eyes scream happiness. I waited for her 'I'm home' text. And when it finally received, I drove back.

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