Relaxing morning flight?

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The Sun peaked out of the horizons as it wakes up from its nap. Terrible Terrors yawned and blinked away their exhaustion on their tree branches, stretching their wings and getting ready to take flight and start their day.


Their eyes widened and they squeaked in surprise when a sudden strong gust of wind blew them off of their perches. "Sorry!" Their startled squeaks were followed by a sheepish yet half-hearted apology shout.

Weaving through the trees, maneuvering through the gaps between the mountain rocks, the dragon flew by with ease and precision, narrowly avoiding and accidentally startling other dragons with its sudden appearances, its rider shouting out apologies over her shoulder in between.

The bold dragon in question let out a satisfied squawk as it finally got to release her pent up energy after being grounded for days. "Good girl, Stormfly." Her rider praised by rewarding her a head scratch.

Her blood braid flew behind her as her dragon shot through the sky in incredible speed, shooting past the wet clouds and up into the warm morning sunlight.

Astrid stretched her arms out and closed her eyes, imitating her dragon. "Finally." She sighed.

She lied back against Stormfly's saddle, letting her dragon glide above the clouds, dangling a hand down her side to catch bits of cloud between her fingers. Stormfly let out a throaty grumble.

"I know, girl, I know. We should definitely do morning flights more often." Astrid patted Stormfly's back. "Its pretty relaxing when you're not dealing with knuckleheads."

"And I'm sorry again for keeping you grounded for so long." She apologized for the hundredth time that morning.

Its been days since everyone of the gang were grounded since the dragons here were getting to know them. You have advised them to stay grounded for the first few days since it would have been dangerous to fly around if every dragon would attack them on sight if they were unfamiliar with them.

Once you have given the green light, both Astrid and Stormfly couldn't wait any longer. They were getting restless after days without that familiar adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Stormfly grumble again though, even adding a growl that sounded threatening, her yellow eyes darting around, inspecting the clouds below them.

"What is it, girl?" Astrid furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up once she noticed her dragon's unease. She turned her head around, surveying he surroundings in confusion as well. They were above the clouds, with the morning sun radiating warmth in the chilly atmosphere.

There was no one else but them around, or at least that's what she sees, her hands gripped her axe in an iron grip. She never doubted her dragon's senses and instincts, and she wasn't going to start now.

They were still in Y/n's territory, and her dragons wouldn't disobey her rules and cause her guests distress, so what would set off Stormfly's instincts like this? Astrid can also feel the bad feeling in her gut as both rider and dragon remained alert of a potential threat.

Their eyes widened when something shot up from under Stormfly, ambushing them right in her blind spot, the thing was so fast that they couldn't see what it was before it disappeared back into the clouds below.

It took Stormfly off guard and her wings flapped frantically to avoid its sudden assault. Unfortunately, Astrid had no time to hold on to the reigns, and she was thrown off of her saddle.

"STORMFLY!" She screamed for her dragon. Stormfly squawked in panic as she dived towards her falling rider, swooping down and luckily catching her with her saddle in time.

"What was that?!" Astrid panted as she steadied herself on the saddle, holding on to it just in case their mysterious attacker delivers another ambush. She hears her blood rushing past her ears and her veins pumping with adrenaline as her head turns in all direction frantically, hoping to see where the attacker is, but only the foggy cloud surrounds them.

When she says she wanted to feel the adrenaline coursing through their veins, this was not the reason she hoped for it.

"Dive Stormfly! Dive!" Astrid quickly instructed Stormfly to get the out of the clouds. There's nothing more dangerous than being blind about your enemies when they had the upper hand.

The duo quickly made it out and Stormfly dived towards a nearby land. And it was the on the journey down did Astrid spot it. Or rather, them.

"A Deathgripper?!" Astrid gasped as her eyes widened to the size of saucers, both in shock and terror. How in the Archipelago could someone tame a Deathgripper?!

Even from a fair distance, she could make out the black body with its striking red markings, and its long tusks, strongly resembling a black widow spider.

It was horrifying to look at from a distance, even more when it is chasing after you.

Unfortunately for them, Stormfly isn't as fast as the Deathgripper. And they found themselves being knocked into the dirt by their attacker/stalker.

Astrid grunted as she rolled, before quickly regaining herself and scrambled for her axe. She had only whipped around to face her attacker, before narrowly missing an arrow shot her way, which landed on a tree trunk behind her.

Her breath hitched as she froze in shock.

Her attacker, their suit, it looked very similar to yours, but with hints of red splattered over the black scales. Their dragon, the Deathgripper, was holding down Stormfly.

"I wouldn't move if I were you." The mysterious figure drawled, revealing themselves to be another woman, her voice lazy and smooth, almost like velvet. She was pointing her loaded bow on Astrid, who clutched onto her axe, her eyes darting between the stranger and her dragon.

"What do you want?" Astrid glared, her eyes meeting pools of grey between the gaps of the stranger's helmet, which again, is so similar with yours.

"Some fun." The woman shrugged, she eyed Astrid's tense battle stance lazily, as if she was bored instead of at the whole exchange.

They stared each other for what seems like hours, one rigid and fearing for herself and her dragon, while the other didn't look too bothered at all, but her bow and arrow still remained pointing on her target.

The only sounds around them were the whistling wind and the ruffling of the trees, distant roars from distant dragons. They were at the edge of Y/n's land, so not many could stumble across them.

Good news for the stranger, and deadly for Astrid and Stormfly.

Minutes ticked by, but it felt like eternity with the air so tense. Finally, the tension was broke, but not by either of them.

"Done playing with my guest?"

The woman's eyes crinkled under her helmet. "You always know how to ruin the fun out of everything." She teased you, who was standing at the side with your hands crossed, your voice and stance relaxed, yet your eyes told another story.

Midnight, who stood beside you, shared your look, but her gaze was on the Deathgripper, who got off Stormfly immediately.

Your warm mud brown eyes that Astrid was already used to was nowhere to be found, instead it was replaced by cold annoyance. There are levels of anger that are described to be burning hot flames, but yours could put down the fire and replace the burns with frostbites.

Astrid could feel a shiver crawling up her spine, even though the chill wasn't directed towards her.

So much for a relaxing morning flight.

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