The Party

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Betty's POV
When cheer practice ended all the girls got their stuff together, we were all about to leave when we heard Cheryl yelling at us. 

"Before you leave, after the game tomorrow their is a party happening at Thornhill. So I will need help as soon as you get to my place." Cheryl said. 

Everyone seemed happy about the party. I wasn't a big person on parties. Something always went wrong no matter how well it was planned, and I hated drinking. 

"Who else is gonna be at the party? Like the whole school or what?" One girl asked. 

"The whole school, but the party is for us and the football players." Cheryl said. 

"Okay." The girl smiled. 

Cheryl finally let us go. When I walked in my house I saw my mom in the kitchen with Poly. The twins were watching YouTube on Polly's phone at the table. 

"How was school honey?" My mom asked when she saw me. 

"It was good. Can I go to the party after the game tomorrow?" I asked her. 

"Who's gonna be there?" My mom asked. 

"The whole school, but it's for the cheerleaders and football players." I said. 

"Then you can go, just don't drink, and try to stay away from crazy people. I don't want one of those bulldogs hurting you." My mom said. 

"I won't let anything happen." She gave me a small smile. I went up to my bedroom. I wasn't looking forward to the next day but there wasn't anything I could do about it. 

The next day
After a long day at school, and boring couple hours at home I was back at school for the game. We were in the cheer room getting ready when we heard the bulldogs go through the hallway. 

"Time to shine ladies." Cheryl said. 

We all walked onto the field. The football players running out behind us. 

The game went amazing, the Bulldogs won by 15 points which is the most they ever have. Cheryl gave me a ride to her house. When we got there everyone was already waiting on the porch. 

"Your staying with me to help with drinks. Veronica I need you to help the other girls set up the games." Cheryl said. 

"Fine." Veronica mumbled. 

Cheryl and I walked into the huge kitchen. She started pulling beers and other alcoholics out of the fridge. 

"When people come to your house, they just know they are gonna get drunk." I said. 

"Being drunk is better than dealing with stupid people." Cheryl said. 

"Fair enough." I said. 

After I helped her set up she left me to go hangout with some of her friends. I stayed in the kitchen watching people come in and out. After an hour of just being bored I sat at the small table in the kitchen. I pulled out my book from my cheer bad, then started reading. 

I had been reading for almost another hour when I felt someone sit down next to me. 

"Who comes to a party just to read?" A raven haired boy asked me. 

"Jug leave her alone." Archie warned while getting a drink. 

"Calm down I'm not gonna hurt her, I was just wondering." The boy said. 

"I don't enjoy parties but as part of the cheer team I had to come." I said. 

"I'm going home with the other guys, we want to play video games." Archie said walking out. 

"How about me then?" The boy asked. 

"I don't even know you." I said. 

"Yet, you cheer for me every Friday." He smirked. 

"Not the same." 

"Come on, half of the boys are leaving, I have no one else." He said half whining. 

"Your popular, you have friends now go hang out with them." 

"I only want to hangout with you." He said. 

"Your not gonna leave me alone until I say yes aren't you?" 

"Maybe, look I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. We can go outside and play at one of the many ping pong tables or something like that. No drinks, no other people. Just me and you." He said. 

"Fine." I said. 

I put my book back in my bag before sliding it under the chair. Jughead then led me outside. 

Jughead's POV
We played until the party was over. We both helped Cheryl clean everything up. It was around 2 am and we were both tried. 

"Cheryl can I spend the night with you tonight?" I asked. 

"Sure thing cousin. You know where the spare rooms are." She smiled. 

"Cheryl?" Jughead smirked. 

"No, you need to leave. Betty is staying because she's family and I don't want to drive her home." Cheryl said. 

"Fine. I'm going to bed. Betty can you show him the other bedrooms?" 

"Sure, thank you by the way." Betty said softly. 

"Of course." Cheryl said before leaving. 

Betty led me to a bunch of different rooms. 


"Night." She said before shutting her door. 

I shut the door as well. I changed into some other clothes I found in my football bag. Then tired to lay in bed and fall asleep, but I had a certain blonde on my mind. Finally after endless thoughts I went over to her room. I knocked and heard her voice telling me I could come in. When I walked in I saw her reading. 

"Can'y sleep?" I asked. 

"Not here, this place freaks me out. I just didn't have a way home." She said. 

"I would have drove you home if I knew you couldn't sleep here." I said. 

"I didn't want to bother you, what are you doing in here anyway?" Betty asked. 

"I can't sleep." I said. 

She patted the spot next to her on the huge bed. I sat beside her. She closed her book then turned off the lamps. Her head gently laid on my chest in the pitch black. 

"Goodnight Betty." I said softly. 

"Goodnight Jughead." She said. 

Bughead Oneshots part 3Where stories live. Discover now