Photograph part 2

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They opened the first page, and Jett immediately pointed to the first photo. 

"What's that one?" 

It was a photo of Jughead holding a baby. 

"That's you Jett, that's the day you were born." 

It had been a long day. Betty had been aching all day. Jughead was beginning dinner, but she wasn't hungry. He placed a plate of pasta in front of her, but the idea of eating made her want to be sick. In fact, she hadn't eaten since breakfast. 

"I'm not hungry Jug, I'm sorry." She sighed. 

"You've barley eaten today. Are you okay? Do I need to call a doctor?" Jughead asked, panicked. 

"I'm fine, I promise. I think I just need to take a nap." Betty struggled to get out of her chair, and she waddled down the hall. She couldn't wait to not be pregnant anymore. She climbed onto the bed and rolled onto her side. As soon has she closed her eyes, she felt gushing between her legs. She sat up to see the bed soaked with water. 

"Jughead! Jughead!" Betty shouted. Jughead came running down the hall and almost slipped when he reached the door. 

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked her. 

"I think my water just broke." Betty whispered. Jughead began to feel light headed and dizzy. 

"We've got to get you to the hospital." He said frantically. Betty squeezed Jughead's hands tightly, the contractions had began. 

"We can't go until the contractions are only a few minutes apart." Betty whimpered after the contraction. "We have to wait here." 

Jughead ran around, trying to finish getting things for the hospital bag. 

"Call Veronica. I need her." Betty murmured. Veronica picked up on the first ring. 

"Betty's in labor." Jughead said before Veronica could even say hello. Veronica was knocking on the door less than 10 minutes later. Archie was behind her. 

"V, I'm so glad you're here." She exclaimed. 

"What about Jughead." Veronica laughed. 

"No, he keeps freaking out, and he's freaking me out. Crap!" Betty was clutching the duvet in her hands and was twirling it in her fists. 

"Okay, Archie and Jughead, I'll stay in here and time her contractions, you go pack the bag and do whatever else needs to be done." Veronica waved them away. Jughead didn't want to leave Betty. He didn't mean to be scaring her. Jughead sat on the couch and dropped his head in his hands. 

"What am I going to do?" He asked Archie. "I'm scaring her because I'm freaking out. What am I going to do when the baby is here? What if I flake out?  What if I can't handle it?" 

"You won't mess up. Betty is one of my best friends. You are too, you're my brother. But if you flake out I'll never forgive you, she doesn't deserve that. You should be in there right now, holding Betty's hand and telling her it's all going to be okay." Archie wasn't playing any games. 

"I'm making it worse. You heard her Archie." 

"Get your butt in there, now's not the time to panic. You've had 9 months." Archie was sick of it. 

Betty's contractions were getting very close together. 

"Should I call your mom?" Veronica asked Betty. 

Bughead Oneshots part 3Where stories live. Discover now