The New Girl in the Southside

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Betty's POV 
My mom and I moved to the Southside about two weekends ago because she and my dad got a divorce. Now I need to go to the high school here, and I was told everyone there is bad ass grunge kids, and I need to fit the part. 

I was getting ready for my first day of school, I was wearing a black skin tight crop top with a red and black flannel, ripped skinny jeans and combat boots, I have to admit I looked pretty hot. 

 Jughead's POV
It was another boring day in the hell hole that is Southside High. I walked through the metal detectors and I saw a girl I had never seen before. She was really really cute. She was stopped by the security officer because she had a belly button piercing, so I walked over to her and talked to the security guard for her because she seemed to be both be compliant. "Hey officer Slavin, she's ok, she's with me." I said and she looked at me and nodded her head. 

"Hey, thanks for doing that um what's your name?" The beautiful blonde asked me. 

"Oh yeah um I'm Jughead." I said to her. 

"I like that name. Jughead. It's unique. My names Betty by the way." She said to me through a smile. 

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I said to her. Where was all this confidence coming from? 

"Well thank you Jughead." She said to me. "Hey can I have your number, you're new here right? You can sit with me and my friends, we would be glad to have you." I said to her. "Yeah I'd like that." She said to me. "Well I have to go to class. I'll see you after school or something." 

"Yeah, yeah, cool see you." 

Betty's POV
Jughead I think his name is really really cute. He gave me his number, I'm going to meet him after school. I'm really excited to see him again. School had just ended and I was walking through the hall when I saw Jughead coming towards me. He stopped when he saw me. "Hey Betts do you want to go to pops? I could really use a burger right now." He said to me. "Yeah, that would be amazing." I said to him. As we were walking I found myself intertwining my hand with his. He looked down at me and smiled. We got to pops and both sat in a booth across from each other still holding hands over the table. 

"So Betty what's your life story? We got all night." he said to me and I smiled. I told him all about what happened between my mom and dad, my sister and her pregnancy and basically everything that happened to me. When suddenly I got a text from my mom. 

(Over text) 
Mom: Betty it is time for dinner come home please. 
Me: Yeah I'll be home in a bit. 

"Hey Jug I have to go home, walk me?" I asked him. He put a twenty on the table and took my hand again while we were walking we got to my trailer and I looked at him. "This is me." I said looking at him. "Okay yeah." He said looking a bit nervous now. "Betty?" He said quietly and nervously. "What?" I asked. "What is it Jug?" He took my face into his soft warm hands and he gave me a passionate, yet soft kiss and I was shocked at first, but kissed back. He pulled away smiling sweetly. "I really like you Jug." I said to him. "I feel the same way Betts, hope we can get to know each other better." He said to me. "Yeah me too." I said to him and kissed him again and gave him a hug. "Bye Juggie. Thanks for today." I said to him. "I enjoyed it Betty, it was great to meet you." I blew him a kiss and walked into my house. Smiling to myself. Dang. I'm really already falling for this one.  

Bughead Oneshots part 3Where stories live. Discover now