You're not alone

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Betty's POV
I've been really stressed out lately, after watching my dad get shot in front of me I've stressed myself out by thinking where things I could have done to prevent it, I know he wasn't the best dad and he did some pretty horrible things, but, he was still my dad, the only one who always had time to listen to what I had to say, not gargoyle kings or farmies to mess things up, but now that's over, I'm alone again. 

"Betts?" I hear as my boyfriend Jughead drags me out of my thoughts. 


"Are you okay? After everything?" He asks me. 

"Honest answer or lie?" I ask him. 

"Honest please." He pleads. 

I feel tears begin to well up. 

"I'm alone." I let out a sob. 

Jughead pulls me towards him and lays me down on his chest as he runs his hands up and down my back soothingly. 

"What do you mean, you're alone Betts." 

"Juggie, my sister left me, my mom left me, Cheryl left me, Kevin left me, my dad-my dad left me too, I don't have anybody left-"

"Betty, Betty look at me." 

and I do

"I know that your life is a bit rocky right now but you are not alone, you have Archie, Veronica, Sweetpea, but most importantly you have me, I am not letting you go through this alone do you hear me?" 

I just nod at him and lay my head in the crook of his neck and sob. 

"Shh, it's okay baby, I am so sorry that this has happened to you, you don't deserve any of it." 

He tells me as he rocks me back and forth. 

"Everything will be ok, I promise." 

Bughead Oneshots part 3Where stories live. Discover now