Date Night part 4 (last part)

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Jughead's POV
I laid awake for a long time, that night. I was thinking a lot about Veronica's words and if she could be right about Betty feeling the same way.

Should I risk it and confess her my feelings?

What if it will ruin our friendship? I couldn't forgive myself if our friendship would break apart because I developed romantic feelings for my best friend.

But on the other hand, what if Veronica was right?

I could be with the girl of my dreams.

Maybe we ere meant to be but how was I supposed to find out if I wouldn't give it a shot?

My mind drifted off to a few nights ago, when Betty stood in front of the trailer door, eyes red from crying. How she didn't hesitate to tell me what happened and how cute she looked in my clothes.

How cute she looked when she was sleeping in my lap or how we cuddled in the next morning.

I sometimes wondered if I was only a friend to her. The way we acted around each other, the way we treated one another or the way how close we are, made me wonder if she ever felt the tiniest bit of romantic feelings for me too.

If she was laying in bed sometimes, just like I was right now, and if she ever asked herself what I'm asking myself right now.


The next morning, I met Betty on the halfway to school, like everyday.

She wore a cute, baby blue pullover and dark blue skinny jeans. Her hair was done into her iconic high ponytail.

I, on the other hand, threw on a dark-red 'S' T-shirt, combined with black jeans and of course my beanie.

We greeted each other with a tight hug, like always, and made our way to Riverdale High.

Once we stepped into school, I could already see Veronica standing with Archie and Kevin in the distance and Betty and I made our way over to our friends.

Betty greeted everyone with a hug while I just padded Archie and Kevin's back.

"Good that you're here already." Archie then spoke to Betty. "We still have to ask principal Weather Bee about that project."

"Oh, right! Crap, I totally forgot about that." She giggled.

With that, Archie and Betty walked off and left me with Ronnie and Kev.

"Well, if that wasn't just weird?"

I looked after them with a slightly confused look but just shrugged it off and looked back at Kevin and Ronnie, only to see her grinning at me.

Oh no. I rolled my eyes non-noticeable.

"And? Did you make a decision?" She asked. God, why did I tell her again?

"Decision about what?" It came from Kevin and I gave Veronica a glare, but she only grinned even more.

"Nothing important." I simply replied, aware that neither her nor him would just leave it alone.

"Jughead has fee-" "Veronica!" I cut her off just in time and gave her another glare.

"Jughead has what?"

"Nothing. A chemistry test. I gotta go. Bye." I said quickly but Veronica grabbed my arm before I could walk off.

"Come on, tell me please. You can tell Kevin, he won't say anything, right Kev?" She looked at me with begging eyes and then at Kevin.

"Oooooh. You made me curious, tell me pleaseeee." He was now begging as well. "I won't say a word." He held his hand up.

I sighed. "No. I won't risk to ruin our friendship. End of discussion." I was about to walk of again but Veronica stooped me again.

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