Till Death do us Part 4

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Betty's POV
The next day I sat at a table in the cafeteria picking at my food but not actually eating any of it. I hear someone clear their throat and I look up to see Jughead standing at the head of the table. I roll my eyes and return my gaze to the uneaten food on my plate. Without an invitation, he sits down across from me and anxiously drums his fingers on the table. He doesn't say anything and so I look at him and raise an eyebrow at his silence. Jughead nods and coughs nervously. 

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I should've been more understanding of your situation. I'm sorry that I walked away instead of talking things out." He apologizes. My face softens and I give him a tiny smile. 

"I'm sorry too. I got upset when you were just trying to understand the way that I felt. I promise that it won't happen again." I put my right hand up as a gesture of my promise, and he chuckles. 

"But Betty, I really enjoy your company, and I want to be friends. I know you're scared of getting close to people, but I'll be okay. I want to be friends for as long as we can. Please. Can we try this?" A look of hopefulness crosses over his face, and I don't have it in me to tell him no. I give him a small grin and nod my head. 

"Yeah I'm willing to try and be friends." I still him. I hold out my pinky for him to take and he smiles at my child-like-ways. He locks his pinkie with mine, and the deal is done. I pat the seat next to mine, and he slides over to my side. He grabs a chip from my plate, and eats it while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I giggle and feed him another one as our eyes meet. I feel an electricity pass through my body, and I have to fight off a shiver. He smiles at me and I nudge him with my shoulder, breaking the eye contact. For the rest of lunch, we spend it getting to know each other and laughing about anything and everything. 

Narrator's POV
Over the next couple of months, Betty and Jughead continue to get closer as Betty's condition worsens. She hasn't hit stage 4 yet, but the doctors say she's getting really close. As their friendship blossoms, feelings begin to grow between the two, but neither will admit it to the other. They are both too afraid of rejection and ruining their friendship. Little do they know, the other feels the exact same way. 

Jughead's POV
I walk down the hallway into Jellybean's room. She woke up from her coma last week, and I've spent most of my time filling her in on everything that has happened since she's been 'asleep'. I open the door to her room, and see her sitting up in bed watching a movie on the TV. She shuts it off when she sees me enter and I go over to give her a kiss on her forehead. I take a seat in the chair by her bed, and she turns her body to face me.

"So? Have you told her yet?" She asks. I groan and shake my head. 

"No not yet. I plan on telling her today though, but I'm so scared that she'll reject me and then everything will be ruined." 

Jelly just sighs and smacks her palm on her forehead. 

"Are you kidding me? Jug, I've seen the way Betty look at you. She is so in love with you. There is no way in hell she is going to say no." She reassures me. 

"Thanks Jelly. Now I gotta go. I promised Betty I would go to the lake with her." 

"Is that when you're gonna tell her? At the lake?" 

"Yeah that's the plan." Jellybean squeals and claps her hands excitedly. I chuckle and kiss her cheek before leaving and heading to Betty's room. 

I knock on the door and hear her yell to come in. I open the door, but don't see Betty anywhere. Her bed is made, and the TV is off. 

"Betts?" I call out. 

"One sec!" She yells back. I hear her rummaging around in the bathroom, and I sit down on the edge of the bed. I pick up the book that is laying on her sheets, and flip through the pages. It's not till I hear the bathroom door open that I look up from the book. My breath catches in my throat as I catch sight of her. She's wearing a white sundress, with little purple flowers all over it. It hugs her curves in all the right places, and her legs look stunning. My jaw drops a little as my eyes rake over her body. When I meet her gaze, a light blush covers her face and neck. 

Bughead Oneshots part 3Where stories live. Discover now