Chapter 1: A Beacon of Hope

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Manfred: So many kids...

Karel: To be fair, 3 of you guys are technically under age now.

Lauri: Please, do not remind me.

Audie: It sucks.

Francis: We should probably find that Ozpin guy you were talking abou-

???: Hey! Manfred!

The 12 of them turned to see a girl around Manfred's and Audie's age, run up to them as a blond girl who seemed to be about 2 years older follow.

Manfred: Ah, hello again Ruby.

Ruby: Hello!

Alvin: You know her?

Manfred: Ja, I met her when I first arrived.

Ruby: So who's... all of your friends...

???: Most of them seem older.

Karel: Is that a problem miss?

???: No, no. The names Yang by the way.

Karel: Karel Janousek.

Yang: Nice to meet you!

Karel nodded as Simo spotted something.

Simo: Girl coming in, 2 o' clock.

The 12 looked to a girl dressed in all white as she stomped her way over with Ruby and Yang looking over a little after.

Weiss: You!

Ruby then jumped into Yang's arms.

Ruby: Oh, God, it's happening again!

Weiss: You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!

Yang: Oh my God, you really exploded.

Leslie: ... God damnit.

Ruby: It was an accident. It was an accident!

Weiss then held a pamphlet , handing it to Ruby.

Ruby: What's this?

Weiss: The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy to follow guide to Dust applications and practices in the field.

Thomas: *Sigh* It's these types of people.

Weiss: These types?! Do you know who I am?!

Thomas: No.

Weiss looked shocked at the immediate response.

Manfred: Aren't you a noble?

The 3 then looked to Thomas in shock.

Thomas: No, that's Adrian.

They then looked to the man with a small moustache, which seemed to keep growing.

Adrian: Not exactly. We have connections, but I am not an entire noble.

Lauri: Can we please, find this Ozpin guy!

The 14 of them looked to Lauri as he had his hands in the air.

Milunka: Right, right. Let's move.

The 12 of them started to walk away and towards what seemed to be a person in charge, according to Manfred.

Ruby: Wait!

Manfred: Go ahead, I'll see what she wants.

Adrian: Hm.

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