Chapter 9: Eyes of Fate

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A very, very long chapter at 3590 words up ahead. Enjoy!

When Kurapika managed to get back on his feet he was very confused.

A minute ago he had just been heading down a busy street in Yorknew. Now he was still on a busy street, just not the one he had been a minute ago. The vehicles and people looked different. The buildings were taller and made of glass. It was a different time of day. The people were still speaking the same language, but it sounded just different. Everything was off. 

"Hey there mister, are you a hero?" Kurapika turned in surprise to the speaker. It was a young boy, about five years old, who was staring at him. Oddly, he had gill-like appendages on his head.

"A what?" asked Kurapika. 

The boy rolled his eyes. "A Hero, duh." he said matter of factly. His eyes were also peculiar--green and narrow, with no pupil.

"Well...I'm a Hunter, if that's what you mean." Kurapika answered. 

The boy blinked. "A what?"

Luckily the boy's mother hurried over. "I'm so sorry he bothered you!" she said hurriedly, taking the boy's hand. Kurapika noticed the scales and webbing on her hands.

"It's alright." Kurapika said, although he felt something was not. Absently fingering the chains on his right hand, he turned to the building closest to him. It was a large building with huge windows, and a TV screen of some kind on the front. The screen displayed a newsman, holding a microphone, standing in front of a disaster site. 

"An unprecedented incident has just occurred in downtown Musutafa!" the newsman declared via subtitles, as the sound was off. A camera panned to show an area covered with rubble. "A villain taking the form of a Giant that was at least 10 meters tall materialized in this spot, at the intersection of 11th Avenue and Mulberry Boulevard. It damaged and demolished multiple buildings. Luckily, there were no casualties, thanks to the work of the number 3 Pro Hero Hawks and countless rescue heroes. Helping the heroes was a young man of unknown origin, who has not been identified. The perpetrator of this attack, and the motive, is not yet known, but our heroes are working on it. We will soon return with updates."

Kurapika continued staring as the news channel switched to other topics. His mind had to take a moment to digest this information. A giant "villain" had attacked an area, and was defeated by some "heroes". People around him were talking excitedly. They were treating it like an everyday occurrence, albeit a slightly unusual one. And from what they were saying, Kurapika was in that very city--Musutafa. 

The gigantic screen flashed again, this time showing another news broadcast. Updates certainly are very quick Kurapika thought drily.

On the television now, however, was a woman dressed in a neat suit. "Attention," she said in a calm, almost dull voice,  "unexplained contained electrical storms have been occurring throughout the city and in other areas of Japan. These storms are characterized by dark, turbulent clouds and flashes of lightning,  and typically last a few minutes. The storms have been responsible for a number of disappearances. If you see a storm beginning, please take cover. If you have information, please contact your local police or Hero department."

The crowd on the street was now even more excited. Several of them began pulling out their cellphones. It took Kurapika a few seconds to realize why--the spot he was standing in had been under such a storm only a few minutes ago. And at the the same time, he had been going through Yorknew and one of those storms occurred right over his head...

Someone tapped his shoulder and in an instant he had turned and seized them by the collar. Then blinked. It was a man wearing a suit holding a briefcase. On his way to work. He looked back with bewilderment. Kurapika sighed and let go. 

CRASH of DIMENSIONS: an anime crossover fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें