i don't hate you...just deeply dislike you

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The lunch room is oddly quiet, and then all of a sudden in the distance yelling could be heard. Everyone turns their head to see sasuke and Naruto fighting, once again.
"Dude you are so irritating!!" Naruto spat
"Says you!! You are a dumbass that doesn't understand anything!" Sasuke spat back
Naruto pins sasuke down on the floor
"Why do you hate me so much?!" Naruto half screamed.
Sasuke could see that Naruto was genuinely wondering
"I don't hate you." Sasuke replied calmly
"What? What do you mean you don't hate me?!" Naruto asked confused as he slowly got off sasuke.
Sasuke still sitting on the floor took a deep breath.
"I don't hate you, you just annoy me because you are so hard to read. And you do stupid things." Sasuke replied
"That makes no sense. You have told me so many times that you hate me." Naruto said confused
"Do you hate me?.." sasuke asked bluntly
"No.." Naruto said embarrassed
"Okay then. Now can you please help me up so we can go to the health office?"
Naruto bent down and helped sasuke up, they walked with their arms on each others shoulders.

"Again you two?! Really?!" Tsunade yelled

"It won't happen again. And this time we mean it." Naruto replied.

"What happened that made you guys randomly decide to be all buddy buddy??"

"i think we just came to a temporary understanding" naruto stated.

sasuke nodded in agreement, he then sat down on the bench next to naruto.

"i have some work to do, so bandage yourselves up." tsunade said as she exited the room.  

" i really don't understand you. its so annoying!" naruto started to ramble but was cut off by sasuke.

"oh shut up for a minute and give me your arm" sasuke said calmly

naruto sighed as he hesitantly surrendered his arm.  sasuke then grabs naruto's arm and pulls naruto closer

"huh?..." naruto said confused, he sighed as he tried to read sasuke's facial expressions.

sasuke started to clean the scratches on naruto's face. he was getting nervous and sweaty. but sasuke seemed unphased by their sudden close proximity. "you mind.. backing up a little" naruto spoke. "relax you idiot, its not like I'm gunna kiss you or anything" sasuke laughed a little. which was new for him. "don't think this makes us friends, i still deeply dislike you." naruto spat.

"likewise." sasuke laughed sarcastically. 

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