Part 2 : "pretty boy?"

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After school naruto walks out of the school with his friends and then seen Sasuke leaning against his car smoking.
"Those things will kill you!" Naruto yelled across the parking lot.
"Sounds like your ass is worried about my well being?" Sasuke spat back sarcastically.
"No, I'm actually counting on it killing you!" Naruto laughed tauntingly.
"Get off my ass Naruto." Sasuke replied as he got into his car and started the engine.
"Asshole.." Naruto spat under his breath.
"Oh shit! I forgot my binder on my desk!" Naruto yelled as he ran back into the school to grab it.
A few moments later he walks into the classroom and noticed a phone on a desk.
"Oh shit, sasukes phone." Naruto whispered to himself.
He then grabbed the phone and turned it on
"No password? Is this guy a dumbass?!"
Naruto then continues to unlock the phone and noticed a strange text.
He scrolled down to the message and read it aloud to himself.
"Tonight? My place this time." Naruto whispered as he read it.
He kept scrolling and noticed even more similar texts from a bunch of different people.
"Oh so not only is he an asshole pretty boy, he's a whore too?" Naruto scoffed to himself.

He then left his friends and walked to sasukes house to give him his phone back.
After arriving he knocked on the door and sasuke answered.
"So not only are you a dick. You're a whore too?" Naruto laughed taunting the uchiha.
"What the hell are you talking about." Sasuke replied confused and irritated.
Naruto took sasuke's phone out of his pocket and held it in front of sasuke's face.
"I'm going to kick your ass." Sasuke glared at Naruto. Before swinging at him
Naruto dodged the punch.
"Woah hold your horses man. I wasn't saying it's a bad thingggg. I mean if it was anyone else I'd say it's kinda hot. But you're not my type." Naruto smirked sarcastically.
" aww am I not pretty enough for you? I do recall you calling me Mr. Pretty boy, earlier"
Sasuke smirked at Naruto teasingly
"Oh, that's my bad sasuke. I wasn't aware you cared so much about what I think of you?" Naruto replied
"Get yourself off my property before I actually kick your ass." Sasuke stated confidently
"Yes your highness!" Naruto said sarcastically as he walked away from sasuke house.

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